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scikit-learn undersampling of unbalanced data for crossvalidation

How do I generate random folds for cross-validation in scikit-learn?

Imagine we have 20 samples of one class, and 80 of the other, and we need to generate N train and test sets, each train set of the size 30, under the constraint that in each training set, the we have 50% of class one and 50% of class 2.

I found this discussion (https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/1362) but I don't understand how to get folds. Ideally I think I need such a function:

cfolds = np.cross_validation.imaginaryfunction(
[list(itertools.repeat(1,20)), list(itertools.repeat(2,80))], 
n_iter=100, test_size=0.70)

What am I missing?

like image 333
adrin Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 21:12


Video Answer

1 Answers

There is no direct way to do crossvalidation with undersampling in scikit, but there are two workarounds:


Use StratifiedCrossValidation to achieve cross validation with distribution in each fold mirroring the distribution of data, then you can achieve imbalance reduction in classifiers via the class_weight param which can either take auto and undersample/oversample classes inversely proportional to their count or you can pass a dictionary with explicit weights.


Write your own cross validation routine, which should be pretty straight forward using pandas.

like image 173
JohnnyM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
