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scalaz 7.2.6 flatMap is not a method of Validation?



This works on scalaz 7.0.6, but not on the latest release of scalaz, 7.2.6.

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

def allDigits(s: String): Validation[String, String] =
  if (s.forall(_.isDigit)) s.success else "Not all digits".failure

def maxSizeOfTen(s: String): Validation[String, String] =
  if (s.length <= 10) s.success else "Too big".failure

def toInt(s: String) = try s.toInt.success catch {
  case _: NumberFormatException => "Still not an integer".failure

val validated1 = for {
  x <- allDigits("4234")
  y <- maxSizeOfTen(x)
  z <- toInt(y)
} yield z

I get these errors on scalaz 7.2.6:

value flatMap is not a member of scalaz.Validation[String,String]
      x <- allDigits("4234")
value flatMap is not a member of scalaz.Validation[String,String]
      y <- maxSizeOfTen(x)

How do I make it work on the latest version of scalaz?

Update: Solution based on the accepted answer:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

def allDigits(s: String): \/[String, String] =
  if (s.forall(_.isDigit)) s.right else "Not all digits".left

def maxSizeOfTen(s: String): \/[String, String] =
  if (s.length <= 10) s.right else "Too big".left

def toInt(s: String) = try s.toInt.right catch {
  case _: NumberFormatException => "Still not an integer".left

val validated1 = for {
  x <- allDigits("4234")
  y <- maxSizeOfTen(x)
  z <- toInt(y)
} yield z
like image 271
David Portabella Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 01:12

David Portabella

1 Answers

Validation is not supposed to be used with a flatMap, because it aims to accumulate the failures and therefore has Applicative instance for independent (context-free) computations. \/ is supposed to be used in your case (dependent (or context-sensitive) computations). Still, by adding this import, you can achieve what you want: import Validation.FlatMap._

like image 174
I See Voices Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 15:12

I See Voices