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Scala: when exactly are function parameter types required?



There are many ways functions can be defined in Scala, which leads to confusion about when exactly function parameter types are required. I usually start with the simplest possible definition and work my way down until compiler errors go away. I'd rather actually understand how this works.

For example:

_ + _

(x, y) => x + y

(x: Int, y: Int) => x + y

def sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y // as pointed out, this is a method,
                                // which not a function

Bonus points for a link to the documentation.

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Landon Kuhn Avatar asked Aug 03 '11 16:08

Landon Kuhn

People also ask

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Parameter RulesJavaScript function definitions do not specify data types for parameters. JavaScript functions do not perform type checking on the passed arguments.

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The parameters are the variables in a function, whereas the arguments are the values passed to the parameters when calling the function. The parameters can be mandatory or optional.

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Non-value types capture properties of identifiers that are not values. For example, a type constructor does not directly specify a type of values. However, when a type constructor is applied to the correct type arguments, it yields a first-order type, which may be a value type.

2 Answers

Well there are some corner cases like: a recursive method must be explicitly typed, but normally the rule of thumb is as follows: types have to come from somewhere.

Either they come from the reference part:

val function: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _

or from the object part:

val function = (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y

does not really matter. (in Scala!)

I know you question is about functions, but here is a similar example to illustrate Scala's type inference:

// no inference
val x: HashMap[String, Int] = new HashMap[String, Int]()
val x: HashMap[String, Int] = new HashMap[String, Int]

// object inference
val x: HashMap[String, Int] = new HashMap()
val x: HashMap[String, Int] = new HashMap
val x: HashMap[String, Int] = HashMap() // factory invocation

// reference inference
val x = new HashMap[String, Int]()
val x = new HashMap[String, Int]
val x = HashMap[String, Int]() // factory invocation

// full inference
val x = HashMap("dog" -> 3)

EDIT As requested I add the higher-order function case.

def higherOrderFunction(firstClassFunction: (Int, Int) => Int) = ...

can be called like this:

higherOrderFunction(_ + _) // the type of the firstClassFunction is omitted

But, this is not a special case. The type of the reference is explicitly mentioned. The following code illustrates a similar example.

var function: (Int, Int) => Int = null
function = _ + _

This is roughly equivalent to the higher-order function case.

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agilesteel Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10


Your fourth example is a method, not a function (see this question). You must specify the types of arguments to a methods. The return type of a method can be inferred, unless the method is recursive, in which case it must be specified explicitly.

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Ben Lings Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10

Ben Lings