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Scala: Using HashMap with a default value

People also ask

How do you add a value to a map in Scala?

We can insert new key-value pairs in a mutable map using += operator followed by new pairs to be added or updated.

What is difference between MAP and HashMap in Scala?

Scala map is a collection of key/value pairs. Any value can be retrieved based on its key. Keys are unique in the Map, but values need not be unique. HashMap implements immutable map and uses hash table to implement the same.

Are maps mutable in Scala?

By default, Scala uses the immutable Map. If you want to use the mutable Map, you'll have to import scala.

What is the default value of HashMap in Java?

Constructs a new HashMap with the same mappings as the specified Map. The HashMap is created with default load factor (0.75) and an initial capacity sufficient to hold the mappings in the specified Map.

Wow, I happened to visit this thread exactly one year after I posted my last answer here. :-)

Scala 2.9.1. mutable.Map comes with a withDefaultValue method. REPL session:

scala> import collection.mutable
import collection.mutable

scala> mutable.Map[Int, String]().withDefaultValue("")
res18: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String] = Map()

scala> res18(3)
res19: String = ""

Try this:

import collection.mutable.HashMap
val x = new HashMap[Int,String]()  { override def default(key:Int) = "-" }
x += (1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "c")


scala> x(1)
res7: String = b

scala> x(2)
res8: String = a

scala> x(3)
res9: String = c

scala> x(4)
res10: String = -

scala> val x = HashMap(1 -> "b", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "c").withDefaultValue("-")
x: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,java.lang.String] = Map((1,b), (2,a), (3,c))

scala> x(3)
res0: java.lang.String = c

scala> x(5)
res1: java.lang.String = -


For mutable.HashMap, you could do the following:

scala> import collection.mutable
import collection.mutable

scala> val x = new mutable.HashMap[Int, String] {
     |   override def apply(key: Int) = super.get(key) getOrElse "-"
     | }
x: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,String] = Map()

scala> x += (1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
res9: x.type = Map((2,b), (1,a), (3,c))

scala> x(2)
res10: String = b

scala> x(4)
res11: String = -

There might be a better way to do this. Wait for others to respond.