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Scala Spark: Split collection into several RDD?

Is there any Spark function that allows to split a collection into several RDDs according to some creteria? Such function would allow to avoid excessive itteration. For example:

def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val logFile = "file.txt" 
    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Simple Application")
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val logData = sc.textFile(logFile, 2).cache()
    val lineAs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("a")).saveAsTextFile("linesA.txt")
    val lineBs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("b")).saveAsTextFile("linesB.txt")

In this example I have to iterate 'logData` twice just to write results in two separate files:

    val lineAs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("a")).saveAsTextFile("linesA.txt")
    val lineBs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("b")).saveAsTextFile("linesB.txt")

It would be nice instead to have something like this:

    val resultMap = logData.map(line => if line.contains("a") ("a", line) else if line.contains("b") ("b", line) else (" - ", line)
    resultMap.writeByKey("a", "linesA.txt") 
    resultMap.writeByKey("b", "linesB.txt")

Any such thing?

like image 615
zork Avatar asked Dec 01 '14 15:12


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1 Answers

Maybe something like this would work:

def singlePassMultiFilter[T](
      rdd: RDD[T],
      f1: T => Boolean,
      f2: T => Boolean,
      level: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY
  ): (RDD[T], RDD[T], Boolean => Unit) = {
  val tempRDD = rdd mapPartitions { iter =>
    val abuf1 = ArrayBuffer.empty[T]
    val abuf2 = ArrayBuffer.empty[T]
    for (x <- iter) {
      if (f1(x)) abuf1 += x
      if (f2(x)) abuf2 += x
    Iterator.single((abuf1, abuf2))
  val rdd1 = tempRDD.flatMap(_._1)
  val rdd2 = tempRDD.flatMap(_._2)
  (rdd1, rdd2, (blocking: Boolean) => tempRDD.unpersist(blocking))

Note that an action called on rdd1 (resp. rdd2) will cause tempRDD to be computed and persisted. This is practically equivalent to computing rdd2 (resp. rdd1) since the overhead of the flatMap in the definitions of rdd1 and rdd2 are, I believe, going to be pretty negligible.

You would use singlePassMultiFitler like so:

val (rdd1, rdd2, cleanUp) = singlePassMultiFilter(rdd, f1, f2)
rdd1.persist()    //I'm going to need `rdd1` more later...
cleanUp(true)     //I'm done with `rdd2` and `rdd1` has been persisted so free stuff up...

Clearly this could extended to an arbitrary number of filters, collections of filters, etc.

like image 61
Jason Lenderman Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Jason Lenderman