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Scala Dataframe null check for columns

val new_df = df.filter($"type_interne" !== "" || $"type_interne" !== "null")

Give me error value || is not member of string

When i use === works well for filter

val new_df = df.filter($"type_interne" === "" || $"type_interne" === "null")
like image 946
Subhod Lagade Avatar asked Nov 09 '16 05:11

Subhod Lagade

1 Answers

Though Raphael's answer was fully correct at the time of writing, spark evolving... Operator !== is deprecated since version 2.0, but you can use =!= which solves precedence problem above without using parenthesis. See corresponding comments in source code: https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/branch-2.2/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Column.scala#L319-L320

Detailed answer:
I'd like also to note something which was not obvious for me in the beginning. There are notions of DataFrame (DF) and DataSet (DS), which also divide their usage in above context into:
1) strings which interpreted by catalyst (error are caught up only in run time) - both DF and DS case class NullStrings(n: Int, s: String)

val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
    (1, "abc"),
    (2, "ABC"),
    (3, null),
    (4, ""))
).toDF("n", "s")

df.filter("s is not null and s != ''").show()

|  n|  s|
|  1|abc|
|  2|ABC|

2) dataframe syntax using Column notion ($ with spark.implicits._ import) partially compile checked:

df.filter($"s" =!= "" || $"s" =!= null).show() 

but in fact =!= ignores nulls (see <=> for null-safe comparison), hence below is equal to

df.filter($"s" =!= "").show()

|  n|  s|
|  1|abc|
|  2|ABC|

3) dataset

val ds = df.as[NullStrings]

ds.filter(r => r.s != null && r.s.nonEmpty).show()
|  n|  s|
|  1|abc|
|  2|ABC|

Beware if you use Option in case class, you have to deal with it, not simple string.

case class NullStringsOption(n: Int, s: Option[String])

val ds1 = df.as[NullStringsOption]

like image 200
Nikita Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 07:11
