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Scala currying and type inference



I'm trying to figure out how to use currying in Scala.

In the following snippet:

object Foo {

  def foo(a:Int)(b:Int)(c:Int) : Int = a + b + c

  def main(a:Array[String]) {

    val f = foo(1)(2) _ 
    def g : Int => Int = foo(1)(2) 
    // def h = foo(1)(2) 

    // println(h(3))

the definitions for f and g work, the one for h does not:

/home/vlad/Desktop/b.scala:9: error: missing arguments for method foo in object Main;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
    def h = foo(1)(2)

What's the reasoning behind this being illegal? It seems to me that Scala should be able to figure out that after calling foo(1)(2) you'd be left with an Int => Int.

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Vlad Avatar asked Jan 07 '23 03:01


1 Answers

This is intended. If it were allowed (some languages really allow that), that would make it work when you forget to put an argument, and instead of compile-time error you would expect. This happens so often that scala authors decide to trade-off here and disallow this notation.

Martin told about that in his book, see "Why the trailing underscore?" http://www.artima.com/pins1ed/functions-and-closures.html#8.7

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Archeg Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 03:01
