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Scala Auxiliary constructors



Following is a Scala class with constructors. My questions are marked with ****

class Constructors( a:Int, b:Int ) {

def this() = 
  val s : String = "I want to dance after calling constructor"
  //**** Constructors does not take parameters error? What is this compile error?


def this(a:Int, b:Int, c:Int) =
  //called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition

def this(d:Int) 
// **** no equal to works? def this(d:Int) = 
//that means you can have a constructor procedure and not a function


//A private constructor
private def this(a:String) = this(1)

//**** What does this mean?
private[this] def this(a:Boolean) = this("true")

//Constructors does not return anything, not even Unit (read void)
def this(a:Double):Unit = this(10,20,30)


Could you please answer my questions in the **** above? For example Constructors does not take parameters error? What is this compile error?

like image 659
PrathameshMone Avatar asked Dec 09 '11 04:12


People also ask

What is auxiliary constructor in Scala?

The auxiliary constructor in Scala is used for constructor overloading and defined as a method using this name. The auxiliary constructor must call either previously defined auxiliary constructor or primary constructor in the first line of its body.

How can we define auxiliary constructors as methods in a class?

Auxiliary constructors are defined by creating methods named this . Each auxiliary constructor must begin with a call to a previously defined constructor. Each constructor must have a different signature. One constructor calls another constructor with the name this .

How many types of constructors are used in Scala?

There are two types of constructor in Scala – Primary and Auxiliary. Not a special method, a constructor is different in Scala than in Java constructors. The class' body is the primary constructor and the parameter list follows the class name.

What is primary constructor in Scala?

The primary constructor of a Scala class is a combination of: The constructor parameters. Methods that are called in the body of the class. Statements and expressions that are executed in the body of the class.

1 Answers

Ans 1:

scala> class Boo(a: Int) {
     |   def this() = { this(3); println("lol"); this(3) }
     |   def apply(n: Int) = { println("apply with " + n) }
     | }
defined class Boo

scala> new Boo()
apply with 3
res0: Boo = Boo@fdd15b

First this(3) is a delegation to primary constructor. The second this(3) invokes this object's apply method i.e. expands to this.apply(3). Observe the above example.

Ans 2:

= is optional in constructor definitions as they don't really return anything. They have different semantics from regular methods.

Ans 3:

private[this] is called object-private access modifier. An object cannot access other object's private[this] fields even though they both belong to the same class. Thus it's stricter than private. Observe the error below:

scala> class Boo(private val a: Int, private[this] val b: Int) {
     |   def foo() {
     |     println((this.a, this.b))
     |   }
     | }
defined class Boo

scala> new Boo(2, 3).foo()

scala> class Boo(private val a: Int, private[this] val b: Int) {
     |   def foo(that: Boo) {
     |     println((this.a, this.b))
     |     println((that.a, that.b))
     |   }
     | }
<console>:17: error: value b is not a member of Boo
           println((that.a, that.b))

Ans 4:

Same as Ans 2.

like image 97
missingfaktor Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09
