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Scala Annotation List?

I wanted to ask if there is a list of annotations for Scala 2.8.0? I stumbled upon @inline and @specialized but it would be nice if there is a complete list which also explains what they do exactly.

If such a list doesn't exist: Are there some annotations one should be familiar with?

like image 682
Plankalkül Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 12:08


1 Answers

Tour of Scala Annotations: http://www.scala-lang.org/node/106

Internals of Scala Annotations: http://www.scala-lang.org/sid/5

The tour is out of date now. There are several more annotations built into Scala now.

The Known Subclasses section of the Scaladoc for scala.annotation.Annotation provides a fairly significant list (below is as of 2.12.1):

SerialVersionUID, ClassfileAnnotation, StaticAnnotation, TypeConstraint, compileTimeOnly, elidable, implicitAmbiguous, implicitNotFound, beanGetter, beanSetter, companionClass, companionMethod, companionObject, field, getter, languageFeature, param, setter, strictfp, switch, tailrec, uncheckedStable, uncheckedVariance, unspecialized, varargs, BeanDescription, BeanDisplayName, BeanInfoSkip, BeanProperty, BooleanBeanProperty, deprecated, deprecatedInheritance, deprecatedName, deprecatedOverriding, inline, native, noinline, specialized, throws, transient, unchecked, volatile, BeanInfo, remote

SOURCE: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/annotation/Annotation.html

like image 137
Alain O'Dea Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Alain O'Dea