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Saving programmatically added Views on orientation change?

I'm having trouble with saving Views on orientation change. So here's what's going on for me. I have a class extending HorizontalScrollView that creates a LinearLayout and a button in it's constructor. More buttons are added to the LinearLayout when a button is clicked. When the activity starts, I set the Action Bar to this custom view and it all works just fine, adding and deleting buttons from the LinearLayout. But, here's where the problem starts. If a switch orientation, onCreate is restarted, so a new instantiation of my custom view is created and set to the Action Bar. Therefore, my custom view returns to the beginning when I switch orientation.

How do I persist the view's hierarchy throughout orientation changes?

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James Jun Avatar asked Nov 24 '22 01:11

James Jun

1 Answers

When orientation changes activity is destroyed and recreated.

In your manifest add the following to your activity.

      <activity android:name=".MyActivity"
      //Beginning with Android 3.2 (API level 13), the "screen size" also changes when the device switches between portrait and landscape orientation.
      //add screenSize for api 13 and above.   

Now, when one of these configurations change, MyActivity does not restart. Instead, the MyActivity receives a call to onConfigurationChanged(). This method is passed a Configuration object that specifies the new device configuration.


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Raghunandan Avatar answered May 30 '23 19:05
