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Saving Many to Many relationship - Entity Framework

I have the following classes:

    public class item
        public int NodeID
            get ;
            set ;
        public int Weight
            get ;
            set ;
        public int Category
            get ;
            set ;
   public class Recipients
        public int RecipientID
            get ; set;

    public class Nodes
        public List<int> RecipientList
            get ;
            set ;
        public item Item
            get ; set;
        public int Capacity
            get ; set;
        public int NodeID
            get ; set;
        public int Weight
            get ; set;
        public int Category
            get ; set;

And I tried to save it in my existing DB that has the following tables:

1) Category
2) Items
3) Nodes (Node and Items has 1-1 relationship)
4) Recipients
5) NodeRecipients (This table show the many to many relationship between Nodes and Recipients)

I use VS2012 to create an EF model as illustrated by the diagram below (please note that Nodes derives from Items in the EF)

enter image description here

I have a method that tries to save the nodes and its recipients

   public void SaveNodeAndRecipient(List<Nodes> MyNodes)
        using (var db = new MyEntities())
            foreach (var n in MyNodes)
                Node n1 = new Node() { NodeID = n.NodeID, categoryID = n.Category, Capacity = n.Capacity };
                foreach (var r in n.RecipientList)
                    Recipient rep;
                    if (!db.Recipients.Select(x => x.recipientID).Contains(r))
                        rep = new Recipient() { recipientID = r };
                        rep = db.Recipients.Where(x => x.recipientID == r).FirstOrDefault();
                    Node_Recipient nr = new Node_Recipient(){RecipientID=r,NodeID=n.NodeID};

MyEntities is the EF model and was declared in the appconfig:

    <add name="MyEntities" connectionString="xxxxx" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

Everything was fine and compiled with no problem until I tried to savechanges. I got this error (not very descriptive)

enter image description here

Anyone knows what is going on? I am under the impression that the many to many relationship is the culprit but can not pin point what is causing it. Please help!

like image 300
user1205746 Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 18:10


1 Answers

The problem is that you're setting Node_Recipient.recipientID values, but from your description I'm pretty sure that these primary key values get generated by the database. So it is not guaranteed that the values (r) will be present when the objects get saved.

Worse yet - it's not even likely that the new Recipients will keep the assigned r values, so you may create false associations.

Here's what should work for you. See some comments below.

foreach (var n in MyNodes)
    Node n1 = new Node  { 
                          NodeID = n.NodeID,
                          categoryID = n.Category,
                          Capacity = n.Capacity
    foreach (var r in n.RecipientList)
        Recipient rep = db.Recipients.Find(r);
        if (rep == null)
            rep = new Recipient(); // see comment 1.
        Node_Recipient nr = new Node_Recipient { 
                                                 Recipient = rep,
                                                 Node = n1
                                                 // See comment 2
    db.Items.Add(n1); // see comment 3
  1. No recipientId is set here.

  2. Here you set the references in stead of the ID values. EF will assign the correct foreign key values "just in time" while saving changes.

  3. This marks all object in the object graph under the new Node as Added, unless they are already know to the context, which is true for the Recipients you found by db.Recipients.Find(r).

As for the many-to-many association, the table Node_Recipient looks like a pure junction table, i.e. a table with nothing but two foreign keys. There must have been a reason why EF didn't generate a model with a transparent m:n association, without a Node_Recipient entity. Normally it would do that. When you generated the model, did Node_Recipient contain other columns that you removed later?

If you want this m:n association you may want to try and regenerate the model. This should produce a Nodes class with a Recipients collection and a Recipient with a Nodes collection. Setting the associations would then be a matter of adding new recipients to Node.Recipients.

like image 111
Gert Arnold Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10

Gert Arnold