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Saving a C struct with a char* string into a file

I'm trying to save a struct with a char* string into a file.

struct d_object {
    int flags;
    int time;
    int offset;
    char *filename;

The problem is that when doing that I will obviously only save the address of that pointer rather than the string. So what I've done is simply use a character array and but I'm forced to set the maximum size of the string. This works fine, however I was wondering if there is anyway of storing the struct with a char* (that I malloc at some point) in a file and then retrieve it. I can save the string and the struct separate and then retrieve them but it's quite a mess. It would be preferable if I could load and save the entire struct (the one above) into the file. Thanks!

The code with the char array is below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

struct d_object {
    int flags;
    int time;
    int offset;
    char filename[255];

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    struct d_object fcb;


    int fd=open("testfile",O_RDWR);

    int fd2 = open("testfile",O_RDONLY);
    struct d_object new_fcb; 

    printf("read from file testfile: %s\n",new_fcb.filename);

    return 0;


P.S.: I'm not using the STREAM functions simply because this is actually meant to be run on an embedded OS that doesn't have them. I've just adapted the code for *BSD/Linux so it makes more sense when asking the question.

like image 746
theprole Avatar asked Jul 18 '10 09:07


2 Answers

I understand that portability is not an issue, since you are working for an embedded system. In other case, you should use something like XML.

You can transform back your code to:

struct d_object {
    int flags;
    int time;
    int offset;
    char * filename;

And then save each piece of data individually:

write( fd, &record.flags, sizeof( int ) );
write( fd, &record.time, sizeof( int ) );
write( fd, &record.offset, sizeof( int ) );
int filename_length = strlen( filename );
write( fd, &filename_length, sizeof( int ) );
write( fd, record.filename, filename_length );

For reading, you'll have to read each item separatedly, and then the filename:

int filename_length;

read( fd, &emptyRecord.flags, sizeof( int ) );
read( fd, &emptyRecord.time, sizeof( int ) );
read( fd, &emptyRecord.offset, sizeof( int ) );

read( filename_length, sizeof( int ), 1, file );
emptyRecord.filename = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * ( filename_length  +1) );
read( fd, emptyRecord.filename, filename_length );
*( emptyRecord.filename + filename_length ) = 0;
like image 180
Baltasarq Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


Serialization is never pretty. How about storing the length of the string in the pointer, and letting the string follow the struct in the file? Something like this (warning, brain-compiled code):

void write_object(struct d_object *s, int fd) {
    struct d_object copy = *s;
    copy.filename = (char*)strlen(s->filename);
    write(fd, &copy, sizeof(copy));
    write(fd, s->filename, (size_t)copy.filename);

void read_object(struct d_object *s, int fd) {
    read(fd, s, sizeof(struct d_object));
    char *filename = malloc(((size_t)s->filename) + 1);
    read(fd, filename, (size_t)s->filename);
    filename[(size_t)s->filename] = '\0';
    s->filename = filename;
like image 45
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
