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Save R plot to web server





I'm trying to create a procedure which extracts data from a MySQL server (using the RODBC package), performs some statistical routines on that data in R, then saves generated plots back to the server such that they can be retrieved in a Web Browser via a little bit of php and web magic.

My plan is to save the plot in a MySQL BLOB field by using the RODBC package to execute a SQL insert into statement. I think I can insert the data directly as a string. Problem is, how do I get the data string and will this even work? My best thought is to use the savePlot function to save a temp file and then read it back in somehow.

Anybody tried this before or have suggestions on how to approach this?

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stotastic Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 21:07


1 Answers

Regardless of if you think this is a terrible idea, here is a working answer I was able to piece together from this post

## open connection
channel <- odbcConnect("")

## generate a plot and save it to a temp file
x <- rnorm(100,0,1)
hist(x, col="light blue")
savePlot("temp.jpg", type="jpeg")

## read back in the temp file as binary
plot_binary <- paste(readBin("temp.jpg", what="raw", n=1e6), collapse="")

## insert it into a table
sqlQuery(channel, paste("insert into test values (1, x'",plot_binary,"')", sep=""))

## close connection

Before implementation, I'll make sure to do some soul searching to decide if this should be used rather than using the servers file system.

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stotastic Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
