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Save all plots already present in the panel of Rstudio


I've made different plots (more than a hundred) for a project and I haven't capture them on the way (yes it's bad , i know). Now, I need to save them all at once but without running again my script (which takes hours). Is there a way to do so within Rstudio ?

Edit: All the plot are already there and I don't want to run them again.

like image 812
Aman Gast Avatar asked Feb 10 '16 17:02

Aman Gast

1 Answers

In RStudio, every session has a temporary directory that can be obtained using tempdir(). Inside that temporary directory, there is another directory that always starts with "rs-graphics" and contains all the plots saved as ".png" files. Therefore, to get the list of ".png" files you can do the following:

plots.dir.path <- list.files(tempdir(), pattern="rs-graphics", full.names = TRUE);  plots.png.paths <- list.files(plots.dir.path, pattern=".png", full.names = TRUE) 

Now, you can copy these files to your desired directory, as follows:

file.copy(from=plots.png.paths, to="path_to_your_dir") 

Additional feature:

As you will notice, the .png file names are automatically generated (e.g., 0078cb77-02f2-4a16-bf02-0c5c6d8cc8d8.png). So if you want to number the .png files according to their plotting order in RStudio, you may do so as follows:

plots.png.detials <- file.info(plots.png.paths) plots.png.detials <- plots.png.detials[order(plots.png.detials$mtime),] sorted.png.names <- gsub(plots.dir.path, "path_to_your_dir", row.names(plots.png.detials), fixed=TRUE) numbered.png.names <- paste0("path_to_your_dir/", 1:length(sorted.png.names), ".png")  # Rename all the .png files as: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, and so on. file.rename(from=sorted.png.names, to=numbered.png.names) 

Hope it helps.

like image 188
Taher A. Ghaleb Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10

Taher A. Ghaleb