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Sass - What's the difference between map-get and simple variable?


I'm new with Sass stuff and I've been reading about different ways to use variables, this principle I'm trying to apply is just for colors, some of the solutions I've found were something like this (map-get):

$colors: (     lighestGray: #F8F8FA,     lightGray: #A5ACBA,     light: #FFFFFF,     dark: #000000,     link: #428bca,     linkHover: #555,     navBlue: #7AC243,     navGreen: #009CDC, ); 

Then you use it on your class like this:

.my-class {     color: map-get($colors, dark); } 

And the other way is to use:

$color-black: #000000; 

Then you use it like this:

.my-class {     color: $color-black; } 

My question is, which option is better? or map-getfunction has another purpose?, has Sass a pattern for this or it depends on each web-developer?.

Thanks for helping me out!.


like image 941
Alex Avatar asked Aug 31 '16 16:08


People also ask

What is map get in SCSS?

The following table lists all map functions in Sass: Function. Description & Example. map-get(map, key) Returns the value for the specified key in the map.

What is the correct way to define a variable in Sass?

The basic syntax for defining a variable is simple: Just use a $ before the variable name and treat its definition like a CSS rule: Sass Variable Syntax: $<variable name>:<value>; The following declares a variable named large-font.

What are Sass variables?

Sass variables are used to store information that can be reused throughout the stylesheet when you need. You can store things like colors, font stacks, or any CSS value according to your future reusability. The $ symbol is used to make something a variable.

What is CSS map Sass?

What is a CSS map file? It is a JSON format file that links the CSS file to its source files, normally, files written in preprocessors (i.e., Less, Sass, Stylus, etc.), this is in order do a live debug to the source files from the web browser.

2 Answers

The differences is that when you use $map variables, they are best designed for using through iterations or using @each.

Sample case:


// Map variable $icons: (   facebook   : "\f0c4",   twitter    : "\f0c5",   googleplus : "\f0c6",   youtube    : "\f0c7" );  // Mixin doing the magic @mixin icons-list($map) {   @each $icon-name, $icon in $map {     @if not map-has-key($map, $icon-name) {       @warn "'#{$icon-name}' is not a valid icon name";     }      @else {       &--#{$icon-name}::before {         content: $icon;       }     }    } }  // How to use it .social-link {     background-color: grey;     @include icons-list($icons); } 


// CSS Output

.social-link {   background-color: grey; } .social-link--facebook::before {   content: ""; } .social-link--twitter::before {   content: ""; } .social-link--googleplus::before {   content: ""; } .social-link--youtube::before {   content: ""; } 

This code was taken from my own answer in the following post but the answer is a case use of @each :)

Hope this help you

like image 182
Héctor León Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Héctor León

Example making a theme with css variables with fallback color see codepen css variables

// VARS (FOR FALLBACK) // ------------------- $theme-base: #70c1ac; $theme-base-aa: adjust-color($theme-base, $blue: 125);  // PROCESSED THEME $theme-color: $theme-base; $theme-color-dark: darken($theme-color, 20%); $theme-color-light: lighten($theme-color, 20%); $theme-color-mixed: mix(#fff, $theme-color, 75%); $theme-color-trans: transparentize($theme-color, .4);  // PROCESSED SECONDARY $theme-color-aa: $theme-base-aa; $theme-color-aa-dark: darken($theme-color-aa, 20%); $theme-color-aa-light: lighten($theme-color-aa, 20%); $theme-color-aa-mixed: mix(#fff, $theme-color-aa, 75%); $theme-color-aa-trans: transparentize($theme-color-aa, .4);  $theme-colors: (   "aa-dark": $theme-color-aa-dark,   "aa-light": $theme-color-aa-light,   "aa-mixed": $theme-color-aa-mixed,   "aa-trans": $theme-color-aa-trans,   aa: $theme-color-aa,   dark: $theme-color-dark,   light: $theme-color-light,   mixed: $theme-color-mixed,   theme: $theme-color,   trans: $theme-color-trans, );  @mixin themeColor ($prop, $color: null) {   @if ($color) {     #{$prop}: map-get($theme-colors, $color);     #{$prop}: var(--theme-color-#{$color})   } @else {     #{$prop}: map-get($theme-colors, theme);     #{$prop}: var(--theme-color);   } }  @mixin setThemeColors($base1: "", $base2: "") {   // BASE THEME COLORS   $color-base: $theme-base;   $color-aa: $theme-base-aa;    @if ($base1) {     $color-base: $base1;     $color-aa: $base2;   }    // PROCESSED THEME COLORS   $color-aa-dark: darken($color-aa, 20%);   $color-aa-light: lighten($color-aa, 20%);   $color-aa-mixed: mix(#fff, $color-aa, 75%);   $color-aa-trans: transparentize($color-aa, .5);   $color-aa: $color-aa;   $color-dark: darken($color-base, 20%);   $color-light: lighten($color-base, 20%);   $color-mixed: mix(#fff, $color-base, 75%);   $color-trans: transparentize($color-base, .5);    // CSS VARIABLES   --theme-color-aa-dark: #{$color-aa-dark};   --theme-color-aa-light: #{$color-aa-light};   --theme-color-aa-trans: #{$color-aa-trans};   --theme-color-aa: #{$color-aa};   --theme-color-dark: #{$color-dark};   --theme-color-light: #{$color-light};   --theme-color-mixed: #{$color-mixed};   --theme-color-trans: #{$color-trans};   --theme-color: #{$color-base}; }  :root {   @include setThemeColors($theme-base, $theme-base-aa); }  body {   @include themeColor("background","mixed");   font-size: 2rem; }  ul {   list-style: none; /* Remove default bullets */ }  ul li::before {   content: "\2022";  /* Add content: \2022 is the CSS Code/unicode for a bullet */   @include themeColor("color","dark");    font-weight: bold; /* If you want it to be bold */   display: inline-block; /* Needed to add space between the bullet and the text */    width: 1.2em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */   margin-left: -.8em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */ }  li {   @include themeColor("color", "light");   @include themeColor("background", "aa-dark"); } 
like image 41
Ron Jonk Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Ron Jonk