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Sass Conditionals Based on Environment Setting

In a Compass config.rb file, you can set the environment to :development or :production.

Is it possible to use this setting in Sass conditionals? Here's what I want to do:

@if (environment === :development) {
    @import 'debug';

Solved: I found the answer while drafting my question. Will post anyway since I didn't find anything definitive that actually explains this.

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cantera Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 09:12


1 Answers

Thanks in part to this issue in the Compass repository, I found that you can use settings-based conditionals in Sass like this:

@if compass-env() == 'development' {
    body {
        color: red;

Confirmed this works with Sass 3.2.5 + Compass 0.12.2 + Ruby 1.9.3p194.

However you can't do this:

@if compass-env() == 'development' {
    @import 'debug';

That throws a Syntax Error: "Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins.

So the workaround is to @import the file and then wrap its entire contents in the environment conditional.

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cantera Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 08:01
