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Sass Background Image mixin


I'm kind of new to Sass, but I'm attempting to create a workflow for myself. I generate "color packs" for my theme designs and need to specify the following variables for my mixin. Is there a better way to do this?:

// folder,filename,extension,repeat,x-pos,y-pos @mixin background ($folder:style1, $img:file, $type:png, $repeat:no-repeat, $x:0, $y:0) {     background-image: url(./images/#{$folder}/#{$img}.#{$type});     background-repeat: #{$repeat};     background-position: #{$x}px #{$y}px; } 

I'm inserting like so:

#nav {   @include background(style2,myimage,png,repeat-x,10,10); } 

which yields this:

#nav {   background-image: url(./images/style2/myimage.png);   background-repeat: repeat-x;   background-position: 10px 10px; } 

I'd prefer to use CSS shorthand when possible, but I ran into errors with the output. I'd appreciate any expert advice if this is not the best way to do it.

like image 221
simplethemes Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 08:03


2 Answers

depending on how your packs are structured/applied you might be able to use a loop to generate a bunch of generic styles. See the documentation here: http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#id35

Do you really need 3 separate components to get your image url? wouldn't: $img and then setting that to /folder/img.ext be far easier?

Also, you don't need the #{} for repeat by the way.

I hope this is what you're after… the question is not very specific in terms of what you need the outcome to actually be.

Cheers, Jannis


Okay, I see you've updated your question (thanks for that). I believe this could be a little better for general use:

@mixin background($imgpath,$position:0 0,$repeat: no-repeat) {     background: {         image: url($imgpath);         position: $position;         repeat: $repeat;     } } .testing {     @include background('/my/img/path.png'); } 

This will then output:

.testing {   background-image: url("/my/img/path.png");   background-position: 0 0;   background-repeat: no-repeat; } 

Or you can use the shorthand version:

@mixin backgroundShorthand($imgpath,$position:0 0,$repeat: no-repeat) {     background: transparent url(#{$imgpath}) $repeat $position; } .testing2 {     @include backgroundShorthand('/my/img/path.png'); } 

Which will generate:

.testing2 {   background: transparent url(/my/img/path.png) no-repeat 0 0; } 

Lastly if you want to specify your base path to your image directory separately you can do the following:

$imagedir:'/static/images/'; // define the base path before the mixin  @mixin backgroundShorthandWithExternalVar($filename,$position:0 0,$repeat: no-repeat) {     background: transparent url(#{$imagedir}#{$filename}) $repeat $position; } .testing3 {     @include backgroundShorthandWithExternalVar('filename.png'); } 

This will then generate:

.testing3 {   background: transparent url(/static/images/filename.png) no-repeat 0 0; } 

Is this what you needed?

If not feel free to update the question or reply/comment.

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Jannis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10


some other sample:

path to the image:

$path--rel      : "../images"; 


$black: #000000; 

creating the mixin:

@mixin background-image($img, $background-position, $background-color) {     background-image: url('#{$path--rel}/#{$img}');     background-repeat: no-repeat;     background-position: $background-position;     background-color: $background-color ; }  

using the mixing:

.navbar-inverse {   @include background-image("header.png", right, $black);  } 


.navbar-inverse {   background-image: url("../images/header.png");   background-repeat: no-repeat;   background-position: right;   background-color: #000000; } 
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raduken Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
