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SAPUI5 TreeTable - Node expanding behavior

Problem is:

I'm trying to keep the nodes in a TreeTable expanded, when I'm adding rows at runtime. Default behavior of a TreeTable is, when something happens with it, it get's rendered again and all nodes are collapsed.

The API only provides methods to keep the first level expanded, but I like to keep lower level nodes expanded, too. How can I achieve that?

Before adding a row:


After adding a row:





I've already tried to to get the right behavior by using expand(iRowIndex), but in my case, the lifecycle of that TreeTable (Adding content, getting rerendered), is not helpful.

What I'm doing:

I'm trying to add data by using Drag&Drop functions. As soon, as we're trying to add content to a specific position into the TreeTable, we have to get the right positions of the parent and child elements. Unfortunately the second+ level is hidden after adding said content and that messes with my Drag&Drop, because the table rows have different IDs, when they're collapsing.

Basically I need a TreeTable function like ."setExpandFirstLevel(true)" for all other levels.

like image 281
P. Stresow Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 06:10

P. Stresow

1 Answers

It's a bit dirty, but you could use the TreeTable's expand(iRowIndex) method by calling it while iterating over every row item

EDIT: I have created a working example (see below), showing you don't need to use the rowID or add any control to the DOM. The only thing the drag/drop should do is add a child node to the selected node using the model only.
But in effect, the expand(rowIndex) works perfectly fine, all visible rows are instantly expanded (but see NB2 below)

NB1: for simplicity sake, I have not created a full drag/drop example, but clicking the 'add child node' button should mimic the 'drop' event.

NB2: Apparently there is a bug in the expand method: It only expands the visible tree items. Any items after the scroll are not expanded...

sap.ui.controller("view1.initial", {
    onInit : function(oEvent) {
        var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
            data : [
                    name  : "node1", 
                    description : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
                    data : [
                            name : "node1.1", 
                            description : "Cras pretium nisl ac ex congue posuere"
                            name : "node1.2", 
                            description : "Consectetur adipiscing elit",
                            data: [
                                    name : "node1.2.1",
                                    description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam"
                            name : "node1.3", 
                            description : "Sed tristique diam non imperdiet commodo"
                            name : "node1.4", 
                            description : "Consectetur adipiscing elit",
                            data: [
                                    name : "node1.4.1",
                                    description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam",
                                    data: [
                                            name : "node1.4.1.1",
                                            description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam",
                                            data: [
                                                    name : "node1.",
                                                    description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam",
                                                    data: [
                                                            name : "node1.",
                                                            description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam"
                            name : "node1.5", 
                            description : "Sed tristique diam non imperdiet commodo"
                            name : "node1.6", 
                            description : "Consectetur adipiscing elit",
                            data: [
                                    name : "node1.6.1",
                                    description : "Maecenas accumsan ipsum diam"
                            name : "node1.7", 
                            description : "Sed tristique diam non imperdiet commodo"


    onAfterRendering : function() {

    addNode : function(oEvent) {
        var oContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();
        var obj      = oContext.getObject();

        var oNew = { name : "New node", description : "New description"};

        if (!obj.data) obj.data = []; //if no child array, create empty one


        this.getView().getModel().setProperty(oContext.getPath(), obj);


    _doExpandAll : function() {
        var oTTbl = this.getView().byId("tbl");
        for (var i=0; i<oTTbl.getRows().length; i++) {
var app = new sap.m.App({});

var oView = sap.ui.xmlview({
    viewContent: jQuery("#view1").html()

<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap"

<script id="view1" type="ui5/xmlview">
      xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" >
        <t:TreeTable id="tbl" rows="{path:'/',parameters:{arrayNames:['data']}}" visibleRowCount="10">
                    <t:label><Label text="name" /></t:label>
                    <t:template><TextView text="{name}" /></t:template>
                    <t:label><Label text="description" /></t:label>
                    <t:template><TextView text="{description}" /></t:template>
                    <t:label><Label text="" /></t:label>
                    <t:template><Button text="Add child node" press="addNode"/></t:template>

<div id="uiArea"></div>
like image 150
Qualiture Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11
