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Sanitize sentence in php

The title may sound odd, but im kind of trying to set up this preg_replace that takes care of messy writers for a textarea. It has to:

  1. if there is an exclamation sign, there should not be another one in a row.
  2. if there is a ., the comma wins and it has to be ,
  3. when there is one+ spaces before a coma, it should be reduced to nothing.
  4. the sentence cannot start or end with a comma.
  5. there should never be more than 2 of the same letters joined together.
  6. a space must be always present after a comma.


  • ,My house, which is green., is nice!
  • My house..., which is green, is nice!!!
  • My house ,which is green,,, is nice!!

The end result should always be:

My house, which is green, is nice!

Is there an already built regex that takes care of this?

Solution check out FakeRainBrigand's solution below!

like image 618
Andres SK Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 21:12

Andres SK

People also ask

What is PHP sanitization?

Sanitizing data means removing any illegal character from the data. Sanitizing user input is one of the most common tasks in a web application. To make this task easier PHP provides native filter extension that you can use to sanitize the data such as e-mail addresses, URLs, IP addresses, etc.

Which function can sanitize text in PHP?

PHP filter_var() Function The filter_var() function both validate and sanitize data.

1 Answers

I might have to use this for my own sites... nice idea!


$text = 'My hooouse..., which is greeeeeen , is nice!!!  ,And pretty too...';

$pats = array(
'/([.!?]\s{2}),/', # Abc.  ,Def
'/\.+(,)/',  # ......,
'/(!)!+/',   # abc!!!!!!!!
'/\s+(,)/',  # abc   , def
'/([a-zA-Z])\1\1/', # greeeeeeen

$fixed = preg_replace($pats, '$1', $text);

echo $fixed;
echo "\n\n";


And the 'modified' version of $text: "My house, which is green, is nice! And pretty too."

UPDATE: Here's the version that handles "abc,def" -> "abc, def".


$text = 'My hooouse..., which is greeeeeen ,is nice!!!  ,And pretty too...';

$pats = array(
'/([.!?]\s{2}),/', # Abc.  ,Def
'/\.+(,)/',        # ......,
'/(!)!+/',         # abc!!!!!!!!
'/\s+(,)/',        # abc   , def
'/([a-zA-Z])\1\1/');      # greeeeeeen

$fixed = preg_replace($pats, '$1', $text);
$really_fixed = preg_replace('/,(?!\s)/', ', ', $fixed);

echo $really_fixed;
echo "\n\n";

I would think this is a bit slower since it's an additional function call.

like image 151
Brigand Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10
