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sandboxd Notice: deny file-write-data



I am working through some crash logs and keep seeing messages like this one:

Fri Jun 25 09:09:01 unknown sandboxd[427] : MyApp(422) deny file-write-data /private/var/mobile/Media/PhotoData

Am I doing something wrong that is causing this? This one has to do with taking photos from within the app, but I have seen others in parts of my app as well.

As far as I can tell I am seeing no errors in my app and am not trying to write to the device outside my sandbox area.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

like image 814
toofah Avatar asked Jun 25 '10 15:06


1 Answers

I got this message when trying to access the ALAssetsLibrary in another thread than the apps' main thread. In my case I wasn't even able to load the assets (photo albums). Putting the calls to ALAssetsLibrary into the main thread solved this issue.

like image 198
Haentz Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10
