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Samsung Phones emit a lot of log messages on logcat

Logcat on Samsung phones is a real pain. They have just too much on the logcat of their own to make our developing life easy. Is there a way to reduce and filter OUT their message for noisy packages on logcat ?

I am not asking if there is a way to filter what I want to see, I need to filter OUT what I dont want to see.

like image 979
Siddharth Avatar asked Mar 04 '14 05:03


1 Answers

You can reject out what you don't want to see like this, add a new filter and put this in the "By tag name" field. You can of course know the tag you want to reject from the LogCat itself.


This is an example of one I use:


I now don't see any messages from those tags

Edit 1: and this is a very long one from my library :D , you would barely see something there:

like image 72
MSaudi Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 23:10
