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Same query runs faster when out of proc

We have a specific query that runs a lot slower when inside a proc. I have to add here that it is enclosed within a two level-cursor. However, both cursors have an iteration result-set of one line.

Let me first state things that we tried and failed:

  • Avoiding parameter sniffing by using option (recompile) and option (optiimize for (@var UNKNOWN)
  • This thread. The variables that seems to be the problem are actually local ones and not proc parameters.

Here is the query as taken from inside the proc/cursors.

 select @tpdim1 = dim1, @tpdim2 = dim2, @typecalc = typecalc
    from loyalty_policy where code=@loop2_loyalty_policy

Note: @loop2_loyalty_policy is the var taken from the result of the inner cursor, and has one value. code is PK to the loyalty_policy table. Thus, @tpdim1 and @tpdim2 have a single value each.

SET STATISTICS    xml on           
                  insert into @tbl_loyal_loop2 (cnt, store, map, pda, insdate, line, item, loyalty_policy_data, loyal_calc, loyalty_policy)
                  select @cnt, t.store, t.map, t.pda, t.insdate, t.line, t.item, ld.tab_id,  
                  case @typecalc
                        when 1 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromTran,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 2 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.netvalue,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 3 then convert(bigint,isnull(t.qty,0) * ld.value )
                        when 4 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice2,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 5 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice3,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 6 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice4,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                  else 0 end
                  from loyalty_policy_data ld-- with (index=ind_loyalty_policy_02)
                              inner join #tbl_data t on t.insdate >= ld.fdateactive and t.insdate <= ld.tdateactive
                  where ld.loyalty_policy = @loop2_loyalty_policy 
                  and ld.tdateactive >= @from_rundate and ld.fdateactive <= @to_rundate
                  and t.dbupddate > @loop1_dbupddate  
                        case when @tpdim1 is null then '' 
                              case  @tpdim1 
                                    when 'STORE'            then t.store when 'BRAND' then t.brand  when 'CAT1' then t.cat1   when 'CAT2' then t.cat2   when 'CAT3' then t.cat3   when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                                    when 'CUSTGROUP'  then t.custgroup when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                                    when 'CUSTOMER'         then @customer
                              else '' end
                        = case when @tpdim1 is null then '' else ld.dim1 end
                        case when @tpdim2 is null then '' 
                              case  @tpdim2 
                                    when 'STORE'            then t.store when 'BRAND' then t.brand  when 'CAT1' then t.cat1   when 'CAT2' then t.cat2   when 'CAT3' then t.cat3   when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                                    when 'CUSTGROUP'  then t.custgroup when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                                    when 'CUSTOMER'         then @customer                     
                              else '' end
                        = case when @tpdim2 is null then '' else ld.dim2 end
SET STATISTICS    xml off    

The SET STATISTICS XML for the above returns this plan.

In trying to debug it, we isolated the query in the following form (here, you can also see how table #a is made, which has exactly the same data with the previous #tbl_data):

drop table #a;
select dt.dbupddate, dt.insdate, dt.map, dt.pda, pt.line, pt.item, 
( pt.exp_qty - pt.imp_qty)  as qty,  
( pt.exp_value + pt.imp_value )  as netvalue, 
( (document.exp_val - document.imp_val) * (pt.netvalue - pt.vat_value) )  as valueFromTran,  
( (document.exp_val - document.imp_val) * ( ( (pt.qty - pt.qty_gift) * isnull(pt.price2,0.00) ) * (1.00-( pt.disc_perc / 100)) ) ) as valueFromPrice2, 
( (document.exp_val - document.imp_val) * ( ( (pt.qty - pt.qty_gift) * isnull(pt.price3,0.00) ) * (1.00-( pt.disc_perc / 100)) ) ) as valueFromPrice3, 
( (document.exp_val - document.imp_val) * ( ( (pt.qty - pt.qty_gift) * isnull(pt.price4,0.00) ) * (1.00-( pt.disc_perc / 100)) ) ) as valueFromPrice4, 
dt.store, item.brand, item.cat1, item.cat2, item.cat3, customer.custgroup, customer.custgroup2, customer.custgroup3 
into #a
from document with (nolock) 
      inner join dt with (nolock) on dt.doccode = document.code 
      inner join store with (nolock) on store.code = dt.store and store.calc_loyal = 1 
      inner join customer with (nolock) on customer.code = dt.customer  
      inner join pt with (nolock) on dt.map = pt.map and dt.pda=pt.pda 
      inner join item with (nolock) on item.code = pt.item and item.itemtype in (select code from itemtype with (nolock) where vsales = 1)
where dt.canceled = 0 and document.is_opposite = 0 and document.type = 3 and dt.customer=N'EL4444444'
and dt.insdate >= '20180109' and dt.insdate <= '20190108' ;

                  select t.store, t.map, t.pda, t.insdate, t.line, t.item, ld.tab_id,  
                  case 4
                        when 1 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromTran,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 2 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.netvalue,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 3 then convert(bigint,isnull(t.qty,0) * ld.value )
                        when 4 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice2,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 5 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice3,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                        when 6 then convert(bigint,round(isnull(t.valueFromPrice4,0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) )
                  else 0 end
                  --select count(*)
                  from loyalty_policy_data ld with (index=ind_loyalty_policy_02)
                              inner join #a t on t.insdate >= ld.fdateactive and t.insdate <= ld.tdateactive
                  where ld.loyalty_policy = '003' 
                  --and ld.tdateactive >= '20180109' and ld.fdateactive <= '20190108'
                  and t.dbupddate > '20000101'
                        case when 'CUSTOMER' is null then '' 
                              case  'CUSTOMER' 
                                    when 'STORE'            then t.store when 'BRAND' then t.brand  when 'CAT1' then t.cat1   when 'CAT2' then t.cat2   when 'CAT3' then t.cat3   when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                                    when 'CUSTGROUP'  then t.custgroup when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                                    when 'CUSTOMER'         then 'EL0134366'
                              else '' end
                        = case when 'CUSTOMER' is null then '' else ld.dim1 end
                        case when 'BRAND' is null then '' 
                              case  'BRAND' 
                                    when 'STORE'            then t.store when 'BRAND' then t.brand  when 'CAT1' then t.cat1   when 'CAT2' then t.cat2   when 'CAT3' then t.cat3   when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                                    when 'CUSTGROUP'  then t.custgroup when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                                    when 'CUSTOMER'         then 'EL0134366'

                              else '' end
                        = case when 'BRAND' is null then '' else ld.dim2 end

And here is the execution plan. This runs a LOT faster.

Why this humongous difference? From my limited knowledge of execution analyzing, I have noticed

  1. The first (slow) query, on the index spool operation, has an estimated rows of ~9700 but actual rows of 3 million.
  2. The second query has utilized many operations with parallelism
  3. The only "real" difference I can see in the second query is the hand-substituted values of the @tpdim1 and @tpdim2 values. Sure enough, when we went inside the first query's proc code, and replaced the @tpdim1 & @tpdim2 with the single values they should get, it ran as fast as the second query.

Could you please explain this difference and propose some advice to fix the procedure?

Edit: As Laughing Vergil recommended, I replaced the literals in the second query with variables previously declared, and again it run slow!

Edit 2: I have some additional info from doing some further research.

First, I have isolated the problem to this line:

case when @tpdim1 is null then '' <-- This uses the slow plan

case when 'CUSTOMER' is null then '' <-- This uses the fast plan

This is true in the ad-hoc query, no need to trouble ourselves with spcs and/or cursors.

This keeps hapenning even if I change the code to the recommended dynamic where structure.

I haven't created any sampla data yet, but the important info (as can be seen in the plans) is that loyalty_policy_data has about 720k lines if we only filter by loyalty_policy = @loop2_loyalty_policy. However, if we evaluate the @tpdim1 condition, which essentially is dim1=N'EL0134366', the rows returned are only 4.

The difference in the plan, then, is when this condition is evaluated in regards to the date-checking conditions.

In the fast plan, it gets evaluated first - When seeking the index for the loyalty policy value, it adds a (non-seek) predicate. While this predicate is not within the index, the returned rows are 4 and all the other operators have "logical" sizes.

In contrast, the slow plan painfully disregards this predicate until too late. If I've figured correctly, it makes a nested loops on loyalty_policy_data as the outer table (which is crazy). It passes the needed columns in as outer references. For each such tuple, the index spool scans the #table(~1k rows) and finds about 250 results, and passes that to the filter which finally does the tpdim1 filtering. Thus, 250*700k rows are passed to the filter operator.

So now I think I know what happens. But I can't figure why.

like image 342
George Menoutis Avatar asked Dec 03 '18 17:12

George Menoutis

People also ask

Is a stored procedure faster than a query?

Stored procedures are precompiled and optimised, which means that the query engine can execute them more rapidly. By contrast, queries in code must be parsed, compiled, and optimised at runtime. This all costs time.

Why is my query faster the second time it runs?

When you run your query for the first time and the data is not in cache, the server read the data from disk. It is time-comsuming. The second time you execute the same query data is already in cache so it requires less time.

Are stored procs faster?

Conclusion. Overall, stored procedures outperform dynamic SQL. They are faster, easier to maintain, and require less network traffic. The rule of thumb would suggest using stored procedures in scenarios where you don't have to modify queries, and those queries are not very complex.

1 Answers

after cleaning up the query for readability purposes, I have the following.

insert into @tbl_loyal_loop2 
( cnt, 
      convert(bigint, round( coalesce(
         case @typecalc
               when 1 then t.valueFromTran
               when 2 then t.netvalue
               when 3 then t.qty
               when 4 then t.valueFromPrice2
               when 5 then t.valueFromPrice3
               when 6 then t.valueFromPrice4
               else 0 
            END,   0.00) * ld.value , 0 ) ),
      loyalty_policy_data ld  -- with (index=ind_loyalty_policy_02)
         inner join #tbl_data t 
            on t.insdate >= ld.fdateactive 
            and t.insdate <= ld.tdateactive
          ld.loyalty_policy = @loop2_loyalty_policy 
      and ld.tdateactive >= @from_rundate 
      and ld.fdateactive <= @to_rundate
      and t.dbupddate > @loop1_dbupddate  
      and (   @tpdim1 is null
           OR ld.dim1 = case @tpdim1
                           when 'STORE' then t.store 
                           when 'BRAND' then t.brand  
                           when 'CAT1' then t.cat1   
                           when 'CAT2' then t.cat2   
                           when 'CAT3' then t.cat3   
                           when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                           when 'CUSTGROUP' then t.custgroup 
                           when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 
                           when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                           when 'CUSTOMER' then @customer
                           else ''
                          END )
      and (   @tpdim2 is null
           OR ld.dim2 = case when @tpdim1
                         when 'STORE' then t.store 
                         when 'BRAND' then t.brand  
                         when 'CAT1' then t.cat1
                         when 'CAT2' then t.cat2
                         when 'CAT3' then t.cat3
                         when 'ITEM' then t.item    
                         when 'CUSTGROUP' then t.custgroup 
                         when 'CUSTGROUP2' then t.custgroup2 
                         when 'CUSTGROUP3' then t.custgroup3
                         when 'CUSTOMER' then @customer
                         else '' 
                      END )

In addition, I would make sure you have a composite index on your loyalty_policy_data table... index on ( loyalty_policy, tdateactive, fdateactive, dbupddate, dim1, dim2 )

This way you are qualifying all the fields used in your WHERE filtering criteria. Don't rely on an index of just the key... but key PLUS the dates will help optimize the specific date range without having to go back to the raw data pages, but can optimize the query JOIN conditions based on values in the INDEX.

As for your temporary table #tbl_data, ensure you have an index on ( insdate ) as that is the only JOIN basis criteria (in case you did not already have an index on that table).


From your comment about the slow vs fast query based on the null of

@tpdim1 = NULL vs 'CUSTOMER' = NULL

a fixed string 'CUSTOMER' is NEVER null, so it never has to consider it down the null path. Fixed string 'CUSTOMER' vs the @customer variable being null or the being compared to in the case/when of ld.dim1 and ld.dim2 respectively being compared to null... maybe what needs to be tested for should be changed from

  and (   @tpdim1 is null
               OR ld.dim1 = case @tpdim1
                               when 'STORE' then t.store 
                               when 'BRAND' then t.brand  ... end


  and ld.dim1 = case @tpdim1
                when NULL then ''
                when 'STORE' then t.store 
                when 'BRAND' then t.brand  ... end

Same with the ld.dim2 case/when. Include the "NULL" as first tested value for the @tpdim1 (and @tpdim2) tests.

like image 80
DRapp Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11
