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Safari web inspector doesn't show redirects

I'm trying to debug web traffic via safari web inspector on mac book (OS X yosemite 10.10.2, safari version 8.0.2), however I can't see request-response traffic for redirects (HTTP response code 301, 302, or javascript redirects).

Lets say page A redirects to B, which redirects to C. In inspector I can see request to page A with response data of site C, but I can't see what happened in the middle (which is very important for me).

In chrome I can see all the redirects as I should, however I can't use chrome, because I want to debug iphone simulator.

Is there a possibility to configure safari inspector to show redirects ?

like image 865
Tomas Bartalos Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 15:02

Tomas Bartalos

1 Answers

Currently, you cannot view redirects in Safari's Web Inspector utility. #SuperSad

like image 102
AP Fritts Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

AP Fritts