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Safari in OS X – weird bug with border-radius





I'm experiencing some really strange problems with border radius in Safari for Mac OS X. Take a look at this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sXxtU/1/

Safari Mac OS X:
enter image description here
(Top left corner, and the white vertical line)

Chrome Mac OS X:
enter image description here
(Perfectly fine)

Safari iOS 6.0
enter image description here
(Also perfectly fine).

Now, in this example I am using border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;, i.e. only applying it on the top corners. However, if I chose to round all the corners – I get this (in Safari for OS X):

enter image description here

Is this a known bug? Is there some way to remedy this? I'm guessing that it is due to some clipping issues, but no matter how I try to apply different fixes – I can't get it to look quite right.

I should point out that this is in Safari 6.0.2. haven't got the chance to test other versions just yet.

Edit 2
Tried adding border: 1px solid transparent; and it looks much better. However, if I go with a border color (like #fff) I still get some clipping problems (now in the top right corner...?). Still very interested in learning what's going on here.

Edit 3
User Sparky pointed out that my HTML is invalid (having a div-element inside a ul-element) – however, I have confirmed that this have nothing to do with the issues I am having.

Edit 4
Been testing Safari 6.0.2 some older versions of OS X, and this issue only seems to occur in 10.8.2. Very strange.

like image 304
Marcus Olsson Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 08:12

Marcus Olsson

2 Answers

This is happening because you are inserting a div clear inside of the unordered list. Your list items should be set as display: inline-block and your ul could have a clearfix on it to maintain it's proper height even though your list items are floating left.

I tested this in 6.0 and then in 6.0.2

Here's a fork of your jsfiddle with a few tweaks.



<div class="container">
<div class="pill">
    <ul class="cf">
        <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>


.container {
    padding: 20px;
.pill {
    background-color: #00a38f;
    border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
ul {
    padding: 13px;
    list-style: none;
li {
    margin-right: 20px;
    display: inline-block;

.cf:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table;
.cf:after {
    clear: both;
.cf {
    *zoom: 1;
like image 139
Ross Edman Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Ross Edman

Maybe that version of OS X is rendering the UL with some sort of background property. Its just a shot in the dark but maybe try background: transparent; on the UL. Or, if it will serve the same purpose, try moving the background color and border-radius to the UL.

like image 40
WordPress Mike Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10

WordPress Mike