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Safari doesn't detect my Extension Certificate

I have registered for the Safari Development Program and have a valid Apple ID. I've followed all the steps given by Apple. The problem is that Windows XP (Service Pack 2) does not recognize the command 'certreq', whereas the instructions said it would work on any Windows machine. However, the command 'certreq' was working on Windows Vista on the machine of my co-worker's, I downloaded the certificate (the .cer file) and installed it and Safari detected it. However, I don't have Windows Vista. I installed Windows 7 now on my machine, the command 'certreq' works and I have the Safari Extension Certificate (the .cer file) but when I open Safari's Extension Builder, my certificate does not appear there.

I entered mmc in Start --> Run and checked if the certificate was installed there. It was in the 'Other People' but not in 'Personal'. Even on Internet Explorer 7+, when I go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Content (Tab) --> Certificates, the certificate is not there in the Personal tab, (WHEREAS IT GOT INSTALLED IN THE PERSONAL FOLDER AUTOMATICALLY IN WINDOWS VISTA). I tried importing the certificate (the .cer file) into the Peronal folder, the import is successful but still neither does it appear in the personal folder nor does Safari recognize/detect it when I go to the Extension Builder.

ANY HELP?! I need to make an extension for my office project and the deadline is approaching. I really need to get it done.

Thanks a million in anticipation.

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Abubakar Mehmood Avatar asked Jun 17 '10 12:06

Abubakar Mehmood

People also ask

Why is my extension not showing in Safari?

Open Safari and choose Safari > Preferences. Select the Extensions tab, find your extension, and select its checkbox. If you're developing your extension and it isn't visible in Safari Preferences, you need to allow unsigned extensions in Safari.

How do I enable an extension in Safari?

In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Extensions. Do any of the following: Turn an extension on or off: Select or deselect the extension's checkbox. Note: You get a warning if you turn on an extension that slows down browsing.

How do I fix Safari Extensions?

The first solution is by installing the Safari Technology Preview, which will refresh and rebuild the Safari extension list. That will solve the Safari extension not showing up on your Mac computer.

1 Answers

I was facing the similar problem. After struggling a lot the following worked for me:

  1. Install (Windows Server 2003 service pack 2) Administration Tools pack as shown on “Generate a Certificate Signing Request” screen shown by Safari Extension Certificate assistant: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/confirmation.aspx?id=6315
  2. Install IIS resource kit for SelfSSL- http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/confirmation.aspx?id=17275
  3. As indicated by Safari Extension certificate assistant, save the following as certreq.txt --https://devimages.apple.com.edgekey.net/safari/files/certreq.txt
  4. Run cmd, and then change directory to where you saved certreq.txt
  5. On command prompt type: certreq –new certreq.txt newcsr.pem
  6. Press Continue on the Safari Assistant screen, and upload this newcsr.pem
  7. It will generate a certificate that you need to install by double-clicking on the installed file.

You are done!

Go to Develop (in Safari menu bar)>> Show Extension Builder >> Click + and select new extension.

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jeff musk Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

jeff musk