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Safari and IE can't read TTF and EOT fonts


  1. I have trouble reading a font in Safari. I converted OTF to TTF - two bold and regular fonts. Both are fine in Chrome and Firefox. But in Safari, only the bold font is works, regular does not.

  2. IE does not read the EOT font which I have converted from a website. Is there any better way to convert OTF to EOT?

Here is my code:

<style type="text/css">
    font-family: Bariol_Bold;
    src:url("fonts/bariol_bold.eot"); /*For ie browser*/

    font-family: Bariol_Bold;
    src:url("fonts/bariol_bold.ttf"); /*For other browsers*/

    src:url("fonts/bariol_regular.eot"); /*For ie browser*/

    font-family: bariol_regular;
    src:url("fonts/bariol_regular.ttf"); /*For other browsers*/  

<p style="font-family: Bariol_Bold; font-size: 20px;">hello world</p>
<p style="font-family: bariol_regular; font-size: 20px;">hello world</p>