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RxSwift How to subscribe a observable only one time?




I want to subscribe to an observable, but in some logic, I will re-subscribe to it. If I don't want to write some special logic for it, how can I dispose the last subscription when I add a new one? Or, when I subscribe to it, how can I know if this observable has been subscribed to already?

like image 596
Bruno Avatar asked Aug 08 '17 03:08


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1 Answers

The simplest solution for what you are looking for is indeed the method that they provided for just that - func take(_ count: Int).

Here is a playground sample:

import RxSwift

var variable = Variable(1)
    onNext: { print("onNext: \($0)") },
    onError: { print("onError: \($0)") },
    onCompleted: { print("onCompleted") },
    onDisposed: { print("onDisposed") })
variable.value = 2


The results are:

onNext: 1

And yes, this is useful in places where you want to filter an event through a stream, in a location where it is awkward to store a subscription.

like image 91
Chris Conover Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Chris Conover