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RxJS v5: How to make a POST request with params?

I have some RxJS code and this is part of it:

.mergeMap(action => {
  const user = store.getState().user;
  return ajax.post(`${config.API_BASE_URL}/api/v1/rsvps`, {
    rsvp: {
      meetup_id: action.payload,
      user_id: user.id,
  .map(action => calendarActions.rsvpAdded(action.payload));

However, my server is telling me that the params are not in the right format:

[info] POST /api/v1/rsvps
[debug] Processing by ParrotApi.RsvpController.create/2
  Parameters: %{"rsvp" => "[object Object]"}
  Pipelines: [:api_auth]
[info] Sent 400 in 10ms

I tried using JSON.stringify but that didn't work. It just made my params a string.

rsvp: JSON.stringify({
  meetup_id: action.payload,
  user_id: 123,

Parameters: %{"rsvp" => "{\"meetup_id\":1,\"user_id\":123}"}

like image 683
bigpotato Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 04:01


1 Answers

I don't know what parameter format is expected by your server but if you want to send JSON payload you should also include proper headers Content-Type: application/json. With RxJS 5 it's like the following:

ajax.post('url', {param: 42}, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });

Now, the body payload is going to be automatically converted to JSON. (See AjaxObservable.ts#L286.

Or if you don't want to send headers you'll need to convert the entire object to JSON yourself:

ajax.post('url', JSON.stringify({param: 42}));

By the way, you definitely don't want to combine these two methods (including the headers and calling JSON.stringify yourself) because this would convert the same payload to JSON twice.

like image 87
martin Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 06:01
