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RxJS Observable: performing cleanup when the last subscription is disposed?

What is the cleanest way to perform a side-effect when the last subscription for a RxJS Observable is disposed? This may occur before the Observable has terminated.

Let's say that I need a function returning an Observable that emits changes to a resource. I'd like to perform a cleanup action when all subscriptions have been disposed.

var observable = streamResourceChanges(resource);
var subscription1 = observable.subscribe(observer1);
var subscription2 = observable.subscribe(observer2);
// ...
subscription1.dispose();  // Does not perform the cleanup
subscription2.dispose();  // Performs the cleanup

The only way I've found to define a subscription disposal action is to use Rx.Observable.create. The last disposal can be handled by sharing a subscription, for example with Observable.prototype.singleInstance().

For example:

function streamResourceChanges(resource) {
    return Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) {
        // Subscribe the observer for resource changes...
        // Return a cleanup function
        return function() {
            // Perform cleanup here...
            console.log("Cleanup performed!");

Is there a neater way to define a side-effect for subscription disposal, similar to doOnNext, doOnCompleted or doOnError?

var withCleanup = withoutCleanup.doOnDispose(function() {
    // Perform cleanup here...
like image 709
Kimmo Avatar asked Oct 26 '15 19:10


People also ask

What happens if you don't unsubscribe Angular?

Specifically, we must unsubscribe before Angular destroys the component. Failure to do so could create a memory leak.

How do I automatically cancel RxJS observables?

This can be achieved by using async pipes | , or any other RxJS operators like take and first that will automatically unsubscribe your observable under the hood. But if you have no other choice than to use unsubscribe , like in the example we have above. Then go for the takeUntil with ReplaySubject approach.

Does observable complete unsubscribe?

Note that when an observable emits a complete event, subscriptions will automatically be unsubscribed, and that certain frameworks using RxJS may also handle unsubscriptions automatically in certain cases.

1 Answers

Two choices come to mind depending upon your actual use case:


source.finally(() => console.log("cleaning up")).singleInstance()


        // allocate some disposable resource during subscribe.
        // resource.dispose() will be called during unsubscribe.
        () => new SomeResource(),

        // use the disposable resource to create your observable
        // for example...
        resource => Rx.Observable.interval(resource.time))
like image 178
Brandon Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
