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RxJS - FlatMap observer called multiple times



I'm trying to understand how flatMap works. I understand that it is a way for handling Observable< Observable < T>>.

Anyhow, I was testing the behaviour of it and got stuck with this:

let plusDom = document.querySelector('#plus');
let minusDom = document.querySelector('#minus');

let minusSource = Rx
              .fromEvent(minusDom, 'click');

let plusSource = Rx.Observable
  .fromEvent(plusDom, 'click');

    console.log('Flatmap called');
    return minusSource;

Here it is the jsbin: https://jsbin.com/sefoyowuqe/edit?html,js,console,output

I don't understand this behaviour:

3 clicks on plusDom prints:
Flatmap called
Flatmap called
Flatmap called

1 click on minusDom prints:


Why when clicking the minusDom it replays the events as many times as we have click the plusDom?

like image 407
kitimenpolku Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 20:10


1 Answers

flatMap basically places the returned stream flat into the original stream. What you are probably looking for is switchMap, which will switch to that returned stream and switch to a new stream when the original source emits data by discarding the old one.

When in doubt, switchMap is usually the safest alternative to use.

See the marble-diagrams for comparison:

Flatmap doesn't remove previously "flattened" streams and :

flatMap Marble Diagram

Switchmap removes previously "switched" streams.

switchMap Marble Diagram

like image 91
olsn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
