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RxJava2 toList() never emits

So I have following Disposable which doesn't work. I am using Room to get all rows from a table as a list, map each of them to something and create a list and then it doesn't continue from there.

    .getSuggestionsOrderByType() //Flowable
    .doOnNext(storedSuggestions -> Timber.e("storedSuggestions: " + storedSuggestions)) //this work
    .flatMapIterable(storedSuggestions -> storedSuggestions)
    .map(Selection::create) ))
    .doOnNext(selection -> Timber.e("Selection: " + selection)) // works
    .toObservable() // nothing works after this...
    .doOnNext(selections -> Timber.d("selections: " + selections))
    .doOnNext(suggestionUiModel -> Timber.d("suggestionUiModel: " + suggestionUiModel))
like image 482
Zahid Rasheed Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 05:01

Zahid Rasheed

1 Answers

These types of data sources from 3rd parties are usually infinite sources but toList() requires a finite source. I guess you wanted to process that collection of storedSuggestions and keep it together. You can achieve this via an inner transformation:

.getSuggestionsOrderByType() //Flowable
.doOnNext(storedSuggestions -> Timber.e("storedSuggestions: " + storedSuggestions)) //this work
// -------------------------------------
.flatMapSingle(storedSuggestions -> 
    .doOnNext(selection -> Timber.e("Selection: " + selection))
// -------------------------------------
.doOnNext(selections -> Timber.d("selections: " + selections))
.doOnNext(suggestionUiModel -> Timber.d("suggestionUiModel: " + suggestionUiModel))
like image 154
akarnokd Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 18:01
