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RxJava : How to wait for a value to be initialized by a previous subscription?

I have a class variable that is initialized be a network call.

A getter-like method is responsible for returning the value if initialized, or waiting the value to be initialized if the network call hasn't returned yet.

How to implement this with RxJava ?

Another solution is that instead of waiting, I could simply create a new network call in case the value is still not initialized, like so:

private String value;

public Observable<String> getValue() {
    if (value != null) {
        return Observable.just(value);

    return getValueRemotely();

private Observable<String> getValueRemotely() {

but I would like to avoid multiple network calls to be done.

Any idea ?

like image 825
Kain Avatar asked Nov 27 '16 21:11


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1 Answers

That's actually a good use-case for AsyncSubject.

private AsyncSubject<String> value = AsyncSubject.create();

public Observable<String> getValue() {

And in getValueRemotely() you have to ensure the calls to onNext() and onComplete() on value.


An AsyncSubject observable emits one item only if it was completed.

like image 87
tynn Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
