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RX Subjects - are they to be avoided?


I've had a mini-discussion on the topic in another thread, and would like to have people's input on the "bad" sides of subjects.

People who frequent the RX forum know that E.Meijer does not like Subjects. While I have a deepest respect to RX creator's opinion, I have been using Subjects quite extensively in multiple projects for a couple of years and haven't had any architectural problem or a bug because of them.

The only "pitfall" with Subjects I can name is that they are not "reusable" - after you have completed an observable on a Subject, you need to re-instantiate it, before new subscribers can receive events from it.

"Code smell" and "Don't like them" need to be supported by "pragmatic" examples - can you bring to our attention possible situations when using a Subject can lead to a bug or a problem? Or maybe you think they are easy and harmless altogether - then try to define an area where they are to be used.

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Sergey Aldoukhov Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 19:02

Sergey Aldoukhov

People also ask

What is RX subject?

An RxJS Subject is a special type of Observable that allows values to be multicasted to many Observers. While plain Observables are unicast (each subscribed Observer owns an independent execution of the Observable), Subjects are multicast.

What is reactive programming subject?

1. What is a Subject? As mentioned, a Subject is nothing more like an observable with a few more characteristics. An observable is by definition an invokable collection that emits data once subscribed. Meanwhile, a Subject is where we control the state of “when to emit data” to multiple subscribers.

4 Answers

Erik Meijer is thinking in a purely functional way - Subjects are the mutable variables of Rx. So, in general usage he's right - using Subjects is sometimes a way to cop out of Thinking Functionally, and if you use them too much, you're trying to row upstream.

However! Subject are extremely useful when you're interfacing with the non-Functional world of .NET. Wrapping an event or callback method? Subjects are great for that. Trying to put an Rx "interface" onto some existing code? Use a Subject!

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Ana Betts Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Ana Betts

Seems like a lot of commenters are talking past each other.

Last time I used a Subject was when I needed to pass a delegate to a middleware in an initialisation call so it could call me back when something happened. The delegate had the familiar event args signature, but I couldn't use FromEvent because there was no event.

I didn't feel bad about it - I didn't see any other choice.

Basically I used Subjects only when I'm originating some event and putting it into the Rx world, or when I need a handle to some future subscriber that hasn't arrived yet. Subjects let me link what I've got now to a later subscriber.

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Hugo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


I use Subject/Publish whenever reactive combinators are being duplicated due to lazy eval.

However, for casual use I feel Subjects are a bit heavy - OnNext might be potential bottle neck - shows up as a hotspot during profiling, perhaps because of concurrency checks while pushing a value to subscribers.

I feel it's also cleaner for Observables you know are hot by definition.

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Asti Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09


One reason that I would be wary of using a Subject<T> as a part of the public API is that it mixes concerns; an observer is a concern distinct from the observable.

What if some miscreant observer calls OnNext or OnCompleted or OnError on the Subject<T> where it was only supposed to be an observer?

Even if it isn't a part of the API, and you tuck it away in your server as a private backing field, just the very fact that it has a dual role is disturbing. In the case of using it as a backing field, you are still only expecting it to perform one role / concern -- that of an observable. However, it has the potential to do two things and that's just mentally disturbing.

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Water Cooler v2 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Water Cooler v2