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Running tomcat with eclipse kepler

I am having trouble running tomcat 7 in eclipse kepler (newest version). I create a new project and when I select a new runtime I do not get the options for tomcat like I use to in eclipse Juno. So my question is how do I set up tomcat with eclipse kepler.

like image 627
abden003 Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 00:08


People also ask

How do I associate Tomcat with Eclipse?

Installing server runtimeStart the Eclipse WTP workbench. Open Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Installed Runtimes to create a Tomcat installed runtime. Click on Add... to open the New Server Runtime dialog, then select your runtime under Apache (Apache Tomcat v5. 0 in this example):

Which Eclipse version supports Tomcat 10?

Tomcat 10 is supported since WTP 3.20 (Eclipse 2020-12): cf.

How do I open Tomcat in Eclipse?

For configuring the tomcat server in eclipse IDE, click on servers tab at the bottom side of the IDE -> right click on blank area -> New -> Servers -> choose tomcat then its version -> next -> click on Browse button -> select the apache tomcat root folder previous to bin -> next -> addAll -> Finish.

2 Answers

If you did not install the package Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers so you have to make sure that you install the plug-in "JST Server Adapters Extensions".

To do so, go to Help->Install New Software... and select the "Kepler" repository. Then expand "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development" and check the box for "JST Server Adapters Extensions". Click "Finish", accept, install and restart. Now you should be able to add the new server like you're used to.

like image 77
Marvin Emil Brach Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10

Marvin Emil Brach

Are you sure, you installed "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" ?

like image 24
Pavan JDev Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10

Pavan JDev