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Running tests on Intellij: Class not found

I'm evaluating IntelliJ (13.0.2 133.696) and cannot get jUnit tests to run from within the IDE.

My project is a multi module gradle project and uses scala.

Test class is located under src/test/scala/xxx/xxxxx/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx and everytime i try to run from IDE i get the same error:

Class not found: "xxx.xxxxx.xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.AccountRepositoryTest" 

Test class is nothing fancy, simple jUnit test:

@RunWith(classOf[SpringJUnit4ClassRunner]) @ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[DataConfig], classOf[SettingsConfig])) class AccountRepositoryTest extends AssertionsForJUnit { 

I've found a related question Cannot run Junit tests from IDEA 13.0 IDE for imported gradle projects , but the provided fix (upgrade to 13.0.2) does not work.

I've even tried upgrading to the latest EAP, still the same issue.

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gerasalus Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 20:02


People also ask

Can not run test IntelliJ?

Check in Project settings -> Modules that you test package is marked as Tests. Right click on the test class name either in the code window or in the project panel, and select Run <classname>. If you don't see the run menu in the popup then you haven't selected a test or you don't have junit plugin installed.

How do I get to test class in IntelliJ?

You can use ⇧⌘T (macOS), or Ctrl+Shift+T (Windows/Linux), to navigate to a test class and back again.

1 Answers

I looked through some of these answers, fussed with Project Settings, tried a few things, etc. and nothing worked. (Full disclosure: I'm not trying to juggle Gradle here; I'm just using Maven, but I don't see what this has to do with Gradle.)

I'm using IDEA 14.

What I found to work, because it just simply seemed IntelliJ had lost its way, was this:

$ rm -rf .idea project-name.iml 

Then relaunched IntelliJ and did File -> Open -> navigate to the root of my project, etc.--in short, just recreated my project.

IntelliJ got over it. I may have messed something up originally in this project as I had done plenty of refactoring both package- and class names and I had even changed the project name. (It was probably my fault it happened.)

like image 186
Russ Bateman Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Russ Bateman