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Running Raspberry Pi 1 OS on Raspberry Pi 3

I have a Raspberry Pi 1 running Raspbian. I tried running the SD card from it on a Raspberry Pi 3 but it didn't boot.

I've read various things about upgrading a Raspberry Pi 2 install to run on Raspberry Pi 3, but little for upgrading from 1 to 3.

Can anyone please help?

like image 759
David Avatar asked Oct 22 '16 14:10


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1 Answers

All you need to do is update the firmware of your raspberry Pi while the sd card is still plugged in your RPi 1,

  • Step 1, Update the System, sudo apt-get update

  • Step 2, Upgrade the System sudo apt-get upgrade

  • Step 3, Update the firmware itself, sudo apt-get install rpi-update

Reboot and shutdown your RPi 1.

These two links might be helpful for troubleshooting,

like image 112
Sufiyan Ghori Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09

Sufiyan Ghori