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running python script in interactive python prompt and keep the variables? [duplicate]



I understand from How do I run a Python program? that in command prompt i can use

C:\python>python first.py

, to run first.py.

But, is it possible, that after i entered the interactive python prompt, by runnning


and see the >>> python indication, run first.py, and after finished running first.py, back to the interactive python prompt, I could see variables defined inside first.py?

For example, if first.py created some variables inside, e.g. by

(x,y) = [3,5]

, is it possible that after running first.py and back to the interactive python prompt, x and y are still there?

Running windows shell commands with python shows how to run the windows shell command in python, so in the interactive python prompt, i could actually use

>>>os.system('python first.py')

to run first.py, but x and y defined inside are lost after running.

like image 821
athos Avatar asked Jun 26 '17 11:06


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Output: Script mode produces output that can be saved and reused. Interactive mode produces output that is displayed on the screen and then disappears. Save: Script mode can be saved in a text file. Interactive mode cannot be saved, but the user can type commands in an editor and save it as a script file.

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2 Answers

Try the following for Python 2.x:

>>> execfile('first.py')

For Python 3.x, try this:

>>> exec(open("./first.py").read())

The variables should then be available to you.

like image 196
Sawant Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10



C:\python>python -i first.py

to run the script and get the interactive shell in the same namespace afterwards.

like image 41
Christian König Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10

Christian König