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Running JUnit test suite using Maven




I have written a JUnit test suite for running multiple test cases.

Now I want to run my test suite class (AllTest.java) at once so that all tests are triggered, carried and managed by one class. I know maven-failsafe-plugin is available, but is there any other easier way to invoke a JUnit test suite from Maven?

I dont want to use another plugin for this.

This is my current maven-failsafe-plugin configuration:

like image 742
Chetan Avatar asked Dec 17 '12 09:12


2 Answers

You can run it with -Dit.test=[package].AllTest (-Dtest with surefire), or configure the included tests in the pom:

like image 127
artbristol Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


You can run test suite using following maven command:

 mvn test -Dtest=x.y.z.MyTestSuite

Note : x.y.z is the package name.

like image 30
swapyonubuntu Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11
