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Running Google Picker with offline access oAuth token

What I am doing:

I am integrating Google Picker on my page. This will allow users to select files from their Google Drive to be used in the web app. In the app, people in a group share a common google drive (i.e. they all can select files from account example@email.com) which was created by group admin by his email address. When the admin signs-up for the account we do OAuth and get access_token with refresh_token against our app on google (with offline access enabled). I plan to use the access_token and refresh-token of the admin, on other group user's account when they try to use picker to select files.

What I have done:

I have integrated the Google Picker successfully in my app using the basic code provided in docs. Then to achieve what I wanted, I removed following code from the example code:

gapi.load('auth', {'callback': onAuthApiLoad});


function onAuthApiLoad() {
      'client_id': clientId,
      'scope': scope,
      'immediate': false


function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
  if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
    oauthToken = authResult.access_token;

and instead of .setOAuthToken(oauthToken) I pass refreshed access_token directly as string (I get that from my server with an ajax call).


But every time I call picker.setVisible(true); I get a screen in an iframe saying In order to select an item from your online storage, please sign in.

enter image description here


like image 882
Jehanzeb.Malik Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 04:11


1 Answers

Try to add sign in listener. Listeners provide a way to automatically respond to changes in the current user's Sign-In session. For example, after your startup method initializes the Google Sign-In auth2 object, you can set up listeners to respond to events like auth2.isSignedIn state changes, or changes in auth2.currentUser.

Validating the token might be a possibility before using the token each time but that might add a lot of extra overhead for a rare use-case each time we load the picker and when calling the API endpoints with a token after the re-authentication issue, there was no key about the token being invalid. You can validate a token by making a web service request to an endpoint on the Google Authorization Server and performing a string match on the results of that web service request.

like image 173
Android Enthusiast Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 02:12

Android Enthusiast