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Running Docker in Memory?



As far as I understand Docker uses memory mapped files to start from image. Since I can do this over and over again and as far as I remember start different instances of the same image in parallel, I guess docker abstracts the file system and stores changes somewhere else.

I wonder if docker can be configured (or does it by default) to run in a memory only mode without some sort of a temporary file?

like image 462
Martin Kersten Avatar asked Aug 10 '15 09:08

Martin Kersten

People also ask

Does Docker run in memory?

Docker can enforce hard memory limits, which allow the container to use no more than a given amount of user or system memory, or soft limits, which allow the container to use as much memory as it needs unless certain conditions are met, such as when the kernel detects low memory or contention on the host machine.

How much memory do I need for Docker?

Minimum: 8 GB; Recommended: 16 GB.

How does Docker container use memory?

If you need more detailed information about a container's resource usage, use the /containers/(id)/stats API endpoint. On Linux, the Docker CLI reports memory usage by subtracting cache usage from the total memory usage.

Can Docker run on 2gb RAM?

Yes, Full Stack Web Development possible on a 2gb RAM laptop.

1 Answers

Docker uses a union filesystem that allows it to work in "layers" (devicemapper, BTRFS, etc). It's doing copy-on-write so that starting new containers is cheap, and when it performs the first write, it actually creates a new layer.

When you start a container from an image, you are not using memory-mapped files to restore a frozen process (unless you built all of that into the image yourself...). Rather, you're starting a normal Unix process but inside a sandbox where it can only see its own unionfs filesystem.

Starting many copies of an image where no copy writes to disk is generally cheap and fast. But if you have a process with a long start-up time, you'll still pay that cost for every instance.

As for running Docker containers wholly in memory, you could create a RAM disk and specify that as Docker's storage volume (configurable, but typically located under /var/lib/docker).

In typical use-cases, I would not expect this to be a useful performance tweak. First, you'll spend a lot of memory holding files you won't access. The base layer of an image contains most Linux system files. If you fetch 10 packages from the Docker Hub, you'll probably hit 20G worth of images easily (after that the storage cost tends to plateau). Second, the system already manages memory and swapping pretty well (which is why a RAM disk is a performance tweak) and you get all of that applied to processes running inside a container. Third, for most of the cases where a RAM disk might help, you can use the -v flag to mount the disk as a volume on the container rather than needing to store your whole unionfs there.

like image 55
Nathaniel Waisbrot Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10

Nathaniel Waisbrot