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Running cv::warpPerspective on points

I'm running the cv::warpPerspective() function on a image and what to get the position of the some points of result image the I get in the source image, here how far I came :

 int main (){
    cv::Point2f srcQuad[4],dstQuad[4];
    cv::Mat warpMatrix;
    cv::Mat src, dst,src2;
    src = cv::imread("card.jpg",1);
            srcQuad[0].x = 0; //src Top left
    srcQuad[0].y = 0;
    srcQuad[1].x = src.cols - 1; //src Top right
    srcQuad[1].y = 0;
    srcQuad[2].x = 0; //src Bottom left
    srcQuad[2].y = src.rows - 1;
    srcQuad[3].x = src.cols -1; //src Bot right
    srcQuad[3].y = src.rows - 1;
    dstQuad[0].x = src.cols*0.05; //dst Top left
    dstQuad[0].y = src.rows*0.33;
    dstQuad[1].x = src.cols*0.9; //dst Top right
    dstQuad[1].y = src.rows*0.25;
    dstQuad[2].x = src.cols*0.2; //dst Bottom left
    dstQuad[2].y = src.rows*0.7;
    dstQuad[3].x = src.cols*0.8; //dst Bot right
    dstQuad[3].y = src.rows*0.9;

    warpMatrix =cv::getPerspectiveTransform(srcQuad,dstQuad);

    cv::imshow("source", src);
    cv::imshow("destination", dst);
    cv::imshow("srouce 2 " , src2);
    return 0;

my problem is that if I select a point from dst how can get its coordinates in ** src or src2 ** since the cv::warpPerspective function doesn't take cv::Point as parameter ??

like image 493
Engine Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 07:07


People also ask

What does cv2 warpPerspective do?

The warpPerspective() function returns an image or video whose size is the same as the size of the original image or video.

How is warp perspective implemented?

As for doing warpPerspective() manually, all you need to do is put all your image coordinates into a linearized homogeneous array and multiply by your homography, and then divide by the last coordinate to get back to Cartesian coordinates. Then, you can use remap() to do the interpolation.

1 Answers

You want perspectiveTransform (which works on a vector of Points) rather than warpPerspective. Take the inverse of warpMatrix; you may have to tweak the final column.

vector<Point2f> dstPoints, srcPoints;

like image 69
calumblair Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10
