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running blazor from visual studio code

i have created a blazor app via command line, now I am trying to run this app from visual studio code, when i start running VSC ask me to chose an environment . which environment should I use to run the application ?

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belabes abderrahmane Avatar asked May 14 '19 08:05

belabes abderrahmane

People also ask

Can you run Blazor from VS code?

Blazor Snippets provides common code snippets for building apps in Blazor using VS code. This extension increases productivity, letting you spend less time writing boilerplate code and more time writing main application codes.

How do you open Blazor project in Visual Studio code?

In vscode explorer click Open Folder and select project directory. Blazor project template contains some default files, if we run our application right away it will be launched as a Hello World!

1 Answers

So right now running Blazor apps using F5 in VS Code is not supported. There's currently an issue tracking this https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/issues/3024.

For now you can run Blazor applications using the terminal and the following dotnet CLI command in the same directory as the csproj file.

dotnet run
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Chris Sainty Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 09:11

Chris Sainty