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Running batch file from USB drive when drive letter changes



So, I have made a batch script and it executes multiple portable programs (e.g., prog1.exe, prog2.exe, etc). The problem is whenever I connect the USB drive to another computer, the drive letters change, giving me errors when running my .bat file. Please help me find a solution. Thank you.

like image 531
anmolm97 Avatar asked Sep 30 '13 21:09


People also ask

How can I execute a bat file in a pen drive by just connecting the pen drive to the PC?

bat file to your flash drive, without putting it in a folder. You use Notepad to write the autorun. ini file as directed, and then save that to the flash drive. Then, insert it into your computer.

How do I change the drive in a batch file?

Use the /D switch to change current drive in addition to changing current directory for a drive. Show activity on this post. If you need to go from a device to another (in your case from C:\ to F:\ , you need to type F: before/after you entered your cd command, so it will go on the F device.

2 Answers

%~d0 gives you the current drive letter (including the colon). If the batch file's contained on the USB drive, you can use that.

So, for instance, instead of


you would write


... or you could do something like this

::change directory to the script's directory's drive
pushd %~d0
::navigate from the drive to the relevant path(s)
cd PortablePrograms
::execute any programs
::just because I like to pair my pushes with pops; not required
like image 183
JohnLBevan Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10


This is how I get the last removable drive in a listing.

    @echo off

    :: Drivetypes
    ::  0=Unknown
    ::  1=No Root Directory
    ::  2=Removable(USB,Firewire)
    ::  3=Local Disk (Internal Hard Drive)
    ::  4=Network Drive(\\Server\share\)
    ::  5=Compact Disk (CD DVD)
    ::  6=Ram Disk
    for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in ('wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype=2" 
    get name /format:value') do set driveletter= %%d
    echo %driveletter%
like image 44
Michael Mulvey Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Michael Mulvey