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Running a test suite with over a million test cases

We have a distributed test environment with the robotremoteserver starting a bunch of other applications and working with them as part of the test. The test that I am trying to run requires me to run over a million test cases in a single suite. The issue here is, when the pybot starts running, it blocks up 8 GB of RAM and results in slow performance. After a while it freezes up.

To overcome this issue I was planning to create separate suites with less than 100 cases in each. But in this case I am not able to use the keywords from the other remoteservers initiated from other suites. The only way I can use it is by disconnecting from the remoteserver and reconnecting it in each suite - which would defeat the purpose of the test.

I am not sure if anybody has come across this scenario. I would appreciate if anybody can think of a solution to this issue.

Additional information

Another thing that helps solve this: Is it is possible to call a keyword from a library (with state) that is initiated by another suite?

Can I use get library instance when using RIDE? I am importing the library in one suite, then try to get the library instance in other suite. Is this possible?

I keep getting the following error:

AttributeError: Remote instance has no attribute 'replace'

In Suite 1 this is what I am doing:

Import Library    Remote    ${verifix_xmlrpc_url}    WITH NAME    Verifix ${lib}=    BuiltIn.Get Library Instance    Verifix Set Global Variable    ${lib} 

In Suite 2:

${lib}.remove messages    ${VenueNSDQ} 
like image 561
Amol Topkar Avatar asked May 16 '13 18:05

Amol Topkar

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What is the difference between test suite and test case?

A test case answers the question: What am I going to test? You develop test cases to define the things that you must validate to ensure that the system is working correctly and is built with a high level of quality. A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped for test execution purposes.

Why does a test suite grow?

One of the biggest causes of long-term test suite degradation arises when you constantly add on new tests every time development releases new features or UI changes. It's true that if you're expanding your feature set, you will need to expand your test suite to some extent.

What are test plans test suites and test cases?

Within each test plan are test suites, which are collections of test cases (and optionally other test suites) designed to validate a work item, such as a feature implementation or bug fix. Each test case is designed to confirm a specific behavior and may belong to one or more test suites.

1 Answers

I don't know any specifics about Python, but you might want to try spinning up each test case as a separate process. This will allow you to recover the memory from each process as it completes, and may allow you to run your million test cases safely on one machine.

Generally, when a program needs more memory from the OS, it takes it, but it cannot give it back until it exits. This is likely why your process falls over.

Quick processes that you can spin up and then kill, will alleviate this memory problem.... and then it is a pretty short step from there to running each of these test cases through rsh on a different machine entirely.

I hope that helps a little.

like image 148
MikeEL Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
