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Running a python script on all the files in a directory

I have a Python script that reads through a text csv file and creates a playlist file. However I can only do one at a time, like:

python playlist.py foo.csv foolist.txt

However, I have a directory of files that need to be made into a playlist, with different names, and sometimes a different number of files.

So far I have looked at creating a txt file with a list of all the names of the file in the directory, then loop through each line of that, however I know there must be an easier way to do it.

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S1syphus Avatar asked Apr 09 '10 16:04


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The fastest and easiest way to run all Python files in a directory is to use loops. You can use bash to do this for you. For example, create a new file called run_all_py.sh and write the following in it: You could also use xargs to parallely execute these files (Only available on UNIX).

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How to get all files and dirs in a directory?

Or do you want them all in the same file? Just use a for loop with the asterisk glob, making sure you quote things appropriately for spaces in filenames Is it a single directory, or nested? For nested, you can use os.walk (topdir) to get all the files and dirs recursively within a directory.

2 Answers

for f in *.csv; do
  python playlist.py "$f" "${f%.csv}list.txt"

Will that do the trick? This will put foo.csv in foolist.txt and abc.csv in abclist.txt.

Or do you want them all in the same file?

like image 169
falstro Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10


Just use a for loop with the asterisk glob, making sure you quote things appropriately for spaces in filenames

for file in *.csv; do
   python playlist.py "$file" >> outputfile.txt;
like image 23
Daniel DiPaolo Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10

Daniel DiPaolo