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Running a node.js script every 10 seconds

I just started using Node.js and I'm now trying to make my script run in the background every 10 seconds like a daemon waiting for something to do, when there is something to run from the database It reads the output from the program and does certain tasks depending on the output.

This is what I've been able to do so far, It works just as I intended but can only run once even in the background. How can I make it run like a daemon every 10 seconds?


var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var mysql = require('mysql');
var JSFtp = require('jsftp');
var check = require('node-validator').check;
var sanitize = require('node-validator').sanitize;

//Setup the db connection
var db = mysql.createConnection({
  host : 'db',
  port : 3306,
  database: 'db',
  user : 'db',
  password : 'db'

//Make the connection
    if(err != null) {
        res.end('Error connecting to mysql:' + err+'\n');

var die = function(msg){

function ip2long ( ip_address ) {
    var output = false;
    var parts = [];
    if (ip_address.match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/)) {
        parts  = ip_address.split('.');
        output = ( parts[0] * 16777216 +
        ( parts[1] * 65536 ) +
        ( parts[2] * 256 ) +
        ( parts[3] * 1 ) );
    return output;

db.query("SELECT * FROM queue WHERE cooldown > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AND simulated=0 ORDER BY cooldown DESC LIMIT 1", function(err, rows){
    if(err != null){
        die("Query error: " + err);

    if(rows < 1){
        die("No rows");

    //Set the vars from the query
    var name = rows[0]['name'];
    var ip = rows[0]['ip'];
    var iterations = rows[0]['runs'];

    var bin = "/home/hoar/sum/run"
    var args = ['arg='+name, 'arg2='+iterations, 'path=/var/www/upload/'+name+'.html', 'output=log.log'];
    var proc = spawn(bin, args);
    var time = "/.*/";
    var pct = "/^\d/";
    var name = rows[0]['name'];
    var ip = rows[0]['ip'];
    var iterations = rows[0]['runs'];

    proc.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
        var str = data.toString();
        var s = str.split("|");
        var p = s[0].split("/");
        var t = (s[1] == null) ? "" : s[1];

        if(p != null && s[0] != "@"){ //Needed to check for @ because the program prints this as first line, which is good then we can do the query further done only once.
            //Check the return numbers from simc to see how many sims it has done
            if(parseInt(p[0]) < parseInt(p[1])){ 
                //Check if the 6th match is a number and the 7th only contains letters
                if(t != null){ 
                    var time = t.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); //Remove any line disturbers for db

                    //Update the database with the amount of time left on the simulation
                    db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `status`=" + db.escape(time) + " WHERE (`name`=" + name + ")");
                    //console.log(p[0]+"/"+p[1] + " - " + t + " left");
                //console.log(p[0]+"/"+p[1] + " iterations done");
            //If the stdout is null run this query since we don't want to run this more than once.
            db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='2' WHERE (`name`=" + name + " AND simulated!='2')");
            //console.log("Updated db to 2");

    proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
        var str = data.toString();
        //If the program returns stderr we want to make sure it stops and we update the database to let the user know.
        if(str.indexOf("ERROR! Setup failure...")){ 

            //Update the database with the amount of time left on the simulation
            db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='3' WHERE (`name`=" + name + ")");

            //Kill the DB connection
            die("There was an error: " + data);

    proc.on('exit', function (code) {
    //Setup the ftp connection
    var ftp = new JSFtp({
      host: "ftp",
      port: 21,
      user: "ftp",
      pass: "ftp"

        //Simulation ended with success update the database and kill.
        db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='1' WHERE (`name`=" + name + " AND simulated='2')");

        ftp.put('/var/www/upload/'+rows[0]['name']+'.html', 'public_html/mysite/'+ip2long(rows[0]['ip'])+'/'+rows[0]['name']+'.html', function(hadError) {
          if (!hadError)
            console.log("FTP error");

        //die("Simulation is done");

});//end sql
like image 584
user3246446 Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 15:01


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1 Answers

Put your db query in a function with callback, and make the callback fire the function again 10sec later:

function mydbquery(callback) {
    db.query("SELECT * FROM queue WHERE cooldown > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AND simulated=0 ORDER BY cooldown DESC LIMIT 1", function(err, rows){
    if(err != null){
        die("Query error: " + err);

    if(rows < 1){
        die("No rows");

    //Set the vars from the query
    var name = rows[0]['name'];
    var ip = rows[0]['ip'];
    var iterations = rows[0]['runs'];

    var bin = "/home/hoar/sum/run"
    var args = ['arg='+name, 'arg2='+iterations, 'path=/var/www/upload/'+name+'.html', 'output=log.log'];
    var proc = spawn(bin, args);
    var time = "/.*/";
    var pct = "/^\d/";
    var name = rows[0]['name'];
    var ip = rows[0]['ip'];
    var iterations = rows[0]['runs'];

    proc.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
        var str = data.toString();
        var s = str.split("|");
        var p = s[0].split("/");
        var t = (s[1] == null) ? "" : s[1];

        if(p != null && s[0] != "@"){ //Needed to check for @ because the program prints this as first line, which is good then we can do the query further done only once.
            //Check the return numbers from simc to see how many sims it has done
            if(parseInt(p[0]) < parseInt(p[1])){ 
                //Check if the 6th match is a number and the 7th only contains letters
                if(t != null){ 
                    var time = t.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); //Remove any line disturbers for db

                    //Update the database with the amount of time left on the simulation
                    db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `status`=" + db.escape(time) + " WHERE (`name`=" + name + ")");
                    //console.log(p[0]+"/"+p[1] + " - " + t + " left");
                //console.log(p[0]+"/"+p[1] + " iterations done");
            //If the stdout is null run this query since we don't want to run this more than once.
            db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='2' WHERE (`name`=" + name + " AND simulated!='2')");
            //console.log("Updated db to 2");

    proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
        var str = data.toString();
        //If the program returns stderr we want to make sure it stops and we update the database to let the user know.
        if(str.indexOf("ERROR! Setup failure...")){ 

            //Update the database with the amount of time left on the simulation
            db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='3' WHERE (`name`=" + name + ")");

            //Kill the DB connection
            die("There was an error: " + data);

    proc.on('exit', function (code) {
        //Setup the ftp connection
        var ftp = new JSFtp({
          host: "ftp",
          port: 21,
          user: "ftp",
          pass: "ftp"

        //Simulation ended with success update the database and kill.
        db.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `simulated`='1' WHERE (`name`=" + name + " AND simulated='2')");

        ftp.put('/var/www/upload/'+rows[0]['name']+'.html', 'public_html/mysite/'+ip2long(rows[0]['ip'])+'/'+rows[0]['name']+'.html', function(hadError) {
          if (!hadError)
            console.log("FTP error");


        //die("Simulation is done");
//NEW CODE!!! 

});//end sql

function wait10sec(){
    }, 10000);


So it will do your query, then wait 10sec before firing another.

like image 174
DrakaSAN Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
