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Run-time lookup for EJBs in MDB consuming immediately after deploy

I have Java EE 5 project using JBoss 5.1 and problem like this. I have to do kind of run-time lookup for some EJBs in MDBs using a string that results from message content. It's just kind of service locator pattern used in MDBs. Now, since MDBs start consuming just after deploy, I have a lot NameNotFoundException since implicit deployment order doesn't work well here (run-time lookup). What do you think about it? Is it possible to do it really well using EJB 3.0? It's also acceptable for me to use any vendor-specific stuff (JBoss 5.1) if it resolves the problem.

Some code snippet to visualize the situation:

public class MessageBean implements MessageListener {

    private MessageDrivenContext mdc;

    public void onMessage(Message msg) {

        final String beanName = // extract somehow the bean's name from 'msg'
        final Context ctx = new InitialContext();
        final Object obj = ctx.lookup(beanName); // NameNotFoundException
        // do something with 'obj'
like image 478
Michał Kalinowski Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 11:02

Michał Kalinowski

3 Answers

Use one of these four different approaches.

  1. Declare EJB dependencies (EJB references) using "@EJB" annotation (don't use JNDI lookup). For entity bean references, must refer to the entity bean home interface. Container must ensure all dependencies are injected before methods/message-listeners are processed:

    public class MessageBean implements MessageListener {

    @EJB private EntityBeanHomeA entityBeanHomeA;    
    @EJB private EntityBeanHomeB entityBeanHomeB;    
    @EJB private EntityBeanHomeC entityBeanHomeC;    
    @EJB private SessionBeanD sessionBeanD;    
    private MessageDrivenContext mdc;
    public void onMessage(Message msg) {
        final String beanName = // extract somehow the bean's name from 'msg'
        final Object obj = getDependentEJB(beanName);
        // do something with 'obj'
    private Object getDependentEJB(String beanName) {
        Object result = null;
        if ("EntityBeanHomeA".equals(beanName)) {
             result = entityBeanHomeA;
        else if ("EntityBeanHomeB".equals(beanName)) {
             result = entityBeanHomeB;
        else ("EntityBeanHomeC".equals(beanName)) {
             result = entityBeanHomeC;
        else ("SessionBeanD".equals(beanName)) {
             result = sessionBeanD;
        return result;


  2. Use JNDI lookup, but declare EJB dependencies via EJB deployment descriptors. Again, the container must ensure ensure all dependencies are setup before methods/messages are processed:

    @MessageDriven(mappedName="jms/Queue") public class MessageBean implements MessageListener {

    // as given in the original Question...


    Deployment descriptor:

                <description> This is a reference to an EJB 2.1 entity bean
                  that encapsulates access to employee records. 
                <ejb-link>EmployeeRecord</ejb-link> <-- if in same EJB jar -->
                          <-- ../emp/emp.jar#EmployeeRecord   if in diff EJB jar -->
                <description> This is a reference to the local business interface
                   of an EJB 3.0 session bean that provides a payroll service. 
                <description> This is a reference to the local business interface of an
                  EJB 3.0 session bean that provides a pension plan service. 
                <ejb-link>PensionPlan</ejb-link> <-- if in same EJB jar -->
  3. Use JNDI lookup but do not declare dependencies using either @EJB annotations or EJB deployment - handle entirely with your own logic, without the container helping. Use delays/error handling.

  4. Use JBoss proprietary configuration to control deployment order:


    How to order deployment of EJBs and JMS queue config in JBoss 5?

like image 104
Glen Best Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Glen Best

One way would be to create a dummy-ejb that you inject into your MDB, this way your mdb would not start consuming until that injection can actually take place.

If the dummy-ejb is bundled with the EJBs you intended to do dynamic lookup on, this should work

My answer here solves a similiar use-case.

like image 37
Aksel Willgert Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Aksel Willgert

I think that the best approach would be to delay the deployment of your MDB until all your EJBs are up & running. This is basically approach number 4 in the answer above.

"Use JBoss proprietary configuration to control deployment order:


How to order deployment of EJBs and JMS queue config in JBoss 5?"

like image 1
Doron Manor Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Doron Manor