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Run shell command in gradle but NOT inside a task

What I currently have is:

task myTask (type : Exec) {
   executable "something.sh"
   ... (a lot of other things)
   args "-t"
   args ext.target

task doIt {
   myTask.ext.target = "/tmp/foo"

   myTask.ext.target = "/tmp/gee"

With this I thought I could run "myTask" with different parameters when I start "doIt". But only the first time the script is executed because gradle takes care that a task only runs once. How can I rewrite the "myTask" so that I can call it more than once? It is not necessary to have it as a separate task.

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Marcel Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 08:03


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1 Answers

You can do something like the following:

def doMyThing(String target) {
    exec {
        executable "something.sh"
        args "-t", target

task doIt {
    doLast {

The exec here is not a task, it's the Project.exec() method.

like image 102
Oliver Charlesworth Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Oliver Charlesworth