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Run jQuery code only in a specific div



I have a homepage with the id component-homepage in the body. This page has a few animations in the footer, navigation and another element. These elements have the same name on all the other pages.

I would like to execute the jQuery code (the js file will contain more then just this code) when the elements are in the #component-homepage.

// This could should be on all the pages
$("nav li:last-child").addClass('last-child');

// This code should only be used when the id #component-homepage is in the body

// Homepage navigatie fadeIn + contentblok animatie
$('nav').hide().fadeIn(1200, function(){
    var result = $("#content_home").outerHeight();

$('#content_home_container').css({"margin-top": -Math.abs(result), "height": (result)});

    $('#content_home').css({"margin-top": (result),"display":"block"}).animate({marginTop: '0px'},1000);

// Homepage navigatie animatie + url click event
$('nav a').click(function(event){
    var href = this.href;

        marginTop: '-635px'}, 
            window.location = href;

I tried wrappen the code in this:

    // code

But it does not seem to work.

like image 873
Peter Boomsma Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 07:12

Peter Boomsma

1 Answers

Wrap the code in this:

if ( $('#component-homepage').length ) {
    // code

the .length method returns the number of elements in the jQuery object, so as long as there is more than one element with this ID, this will translate to a Boolean value of true, and thus run the code.


.length - jQuery API

like image 198
Bill Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 19:12
