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Run Flyway Java-based callbacks with Spring Boot

Is there a way to run Flyway Java-based callbacks with Spring boot? I'm converting an existing project that after each migration updates some view definitions, and this is done by Java as it needs some extra logic. I know it could be done in pl/pgsql (we are using Postgres) but it is already done and tested in Java.

Spring boot docs says it is possible, but it is listed that the callback scripts should live in same dir as migrations, maybe this works just for SQL based callbacks.

This code works without Spring Boot:

    Flyway flyway = new Flyway();
    flyway.setCallbacks(new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback());

I have several migrations in /db/migration and after each one I need to execute my callback. It works in my current project and I need to do the same (or another way to get the same behavior) in Spring Boot.

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Fernando M. Pinheiro Avatar asked Jun 13 '16 00:06

Fernando M. Pinheiro

2 Answers

You can have a configuration like this and it will work:

public class FlywayFactory {

    public FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayInitializer(Flyway flyway, FlywayCallback flywayCallback) {
        return new FlywayMigrationInitializer(flyway);

    public FlywayCallback flywayCallback() {
        return new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback();
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Eric Hans Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Eric Hans

There seems to be no possibility to set the callbacks in the Spring Boot autoconfiguration (See FlywayAutoConfiguration.java)

There are 2 things you can do:

  1. Create your own Flyway instance in one of your Configuration classes. Spring Boot will not create his instance in case you do that.
  2. Autowire the Flyway instance in one of your Configuration classes and call the setCallbacks method in a PostConstruct method (But it might be tricky to make sure you call the setter before the migration starts)
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Wim Deblauwe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Wim Deblauwe